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  1. so i guess RocketLauncher is required for this one?
  2. is it possible to load NESiCAxLive with Launhbox but without Rocketlauncher?
  3. thank you
  4. im having a little bit of an issue with project64. i created a Bat. file as suggested here but that didn't launch project64 at all. when i pointed launchbox at the project64.exe it loaded but not in full screen. any suggestions?
  5. is there any way for me to view a platform by genre in big box?
  6. where does Launhbox get the information it needs to sort the games? is it built into launchbox or does it get the info from EmuMovies?
  7. I think the easiest thing would be to sort the remaining games by decade. maybe call it Misc 70's, Misc 80's, etc. but i think ideally it should be sorted by the manufacturer of the board kinda like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcade_system_board not sure if this would actually work though, there might be some games that appeared on various boards. another thing i noticed is that some games appear in more then one playlist, so that means even less games then i originally thought are actually being sorted.
  8. Ok great, please pass that on to the powers that be... and sorry for busting your chops. Again, nothing but love for this program.
  9. I cant track down all the awesome games that have not been sorted but i can say killer instinct 1&2 are nowhere to be seen. and if those two are missing i know there are more. Do you not think my solution to the problem is a decent one? if someone does not like the unsorted playlist they can just simply delete. but at least everything goes somewhere.
  10. ok broken may be an extreme word to use, lol
  11. ya i totally get that, but at least add a "unsorted playlist" so that if someone does want to finish the job manually they don't first have to figure out what has been added and what has not. you have to admit it's a little broken... there are plenty of "more popular" games that were not sorted...
  12. while creating the platform it asked if i want to sort into playlist for separate systems... but only a little more then half got sorted of the 2700+ games. don't see the point in only sorting half the games. should at least make a playlist for the games that have not been sorted, so that we can sort them manually. please bring this to developments attention... should be an easy fix to just create a extra playlist and call it unsorted, that way we don't have to track down whats been added and what has not. I really cant believe no one thought of this. Who want to sort just half their games? my opinion is that this is a broken feature, and should probably be removed or fixed... just my two cents... And aside from that... honestly, keep up the good work guy's. we all know your trying your best.
  13. is there any way to view the games that have not been sorted into playlists?
  14. So i managed to load all my MAME games about 2700 roms but when i consolidate only about half get divided up between the different systems... is there any way to consolidate the full list?
  15. Awesome, thanks for clarifying that up for me.
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