Hey, I hope I caught you.!
You don't have to uninstall anything, first did you uncheck the the 'Extract Roms' boxes from the Platform assoc. window? (this option is 'off' by default)
You can install Launchbox a second time in a separate temporary location just for testing.
When I am doing test with beta releases for example i temporary rename my current installation folder to let's say "Launchbox [Bauckup]" and then reinstall an other instance in the same Location as before or in another folder,
After testing just delele the LaunchBox-test folder and rename "LaunchBox [Backup]" back to "LaunchBox" everything will be back to normal.
Remember Launchbox is made that it is completely system independent and DRM free so you can have as may installations as you want in the same machine.
I' am pretty sure that your problem does not associated with your Launcbox version because i am using the latest 13.19 in my Win10/11 PC without any problems.🙂
Ok, quick update as i missed in the Beta (13.17) Thread, @faeran wrote :
at the Beta 3 section " RetroArch plugin no longer creates unnecessary save folders"
So i will report back when i will be able to test it.
Thanks ! 😄