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Posts posted by Darkholme

  1. Is there a way to use more than 2 criteria to fill a playlist? For instance, I'm trying to make some Genre playlists for games not in a series; and I also want a catch-all playlist to see any games that are neither in a series nor in one of my genre playlists.

    This kind of filtering works with 2 criteria, but not 3 for some reason.


  2. I know it's a necropost, but I wanted to add a more convenient solution to this problem than BelgianFred's solution. I've been using "LinkShellExtension" for 6 or 7 years. It works great. It lets you make symbolic links and junction points and hardlink clones by right-clicking and dragging selected files and folders. I prefer Junction points because it's stored in the file system and works with network shares, but if you don't care about that, symbolic links will accomplish the same thing on the same machine.

    You select your files in windows explorer, right click and drag, and then instead of choosing move here / copy here, you choose "drop here" and pick the kind of link you want to make out of a sublist. It's very fast and very convenient. I find I use it for lots of things (like relocating my windows "user" folder to another drive - gotta do it while not logged in as that use though); or when I want something to show up in "My Documents" as well as somewhere else, etc.

    And of course, it works well for this situation as well. You would shut down launchbox, move the folders to the drive you want them on, and then drop a symbolic link or junction point back where launchbox normally keeps them. Launchbox then behaves normally, but the files are stored on the drive you want them on.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  3. Hi!
    So I'm trying to configure my auto-playlists, and I've hit a snag.
    I want it to pull up any RPGs (Genre: Role-Playing) that are not (Genre: JRPG) or (Genre: SRPG).

    So I punched in a couple of "Genre: Is Not Equal To" fields and a "Genre: Is Equal To" field, and expected that would do it. But instead, it spat out literally every game in my library. It's baffling to me. My JRPG and SRPG Playlists populate just fine, so I know the games are tagged.

    Is anybody able to explain what I did wrong?


  4. Situation

    I just got big box after testing regular launchbox for a week and seeing that it handles adding my games quite nicely.

    I don't really want to do sorting by platform, I want sorting by genre, and sorting by series (for the serieses that I have with several games). After looking around it looks like the best way to accomplish this is by making smart playlists. So I make the playlists, and they seem to be working pretty well for including the titles, but I'm having some issues with layout and visuals.

    Inside the playlists, I found a view that seems to be working great (though a few games didn't auto-grab some of the images so I'll have to find some suitable images online for them or make them).

    But in the "Platform list" view for the playlists, I'm having trouble. No matter which theme and view I try for it, the "platform wheel" isn't loading my playlist clear logos, it just shows plain text. At first it was because the images were tagged "banner" (and they were showing up elsewhere), but after going through and setting them all as "Clear Logo" they simply don't seem to be being used.

    Can someone help me understand what I'm doing wrong?

    Thanks for your time.


    [Added Example Image]
    I'd like the series titles to be replaced with the series logo. Banners are successfully loading in the bottom left; and "Console Images" are loading at the top if I set something to them. Those work fine. Where I'm struggling is getting the wheel to use the transparent logos.

    BigBox Example.png

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