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Problems with PS2 games not being added to the platform.xml


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I would like to say thank you to the people running this app and site. I’ve been looking for something like this for years and I think LB/BB will eventually be perfect for what I need. Tinkering with it has been a lot of fun and I appreciate all the obvious thought and love that has gone into the program. Thanks! 

I am having issues with games for the PS2 platform not being saved to the platform.xml

I did as much googling as I could and read the first five pages of the Troubleshooting forum and can’t find anything for me. 

There are two PS2 games I’ve been trying to add to my collection for a few nights now. San Andreas and Dark Alliance 2. When I add them (via Tools->Import or Scan for Added Games) it shows up and seems to work fine. I can launch them from LB, all the media seems to be downloaded and working fine, etc. As soon as I close LB, to exit or go to BB, the games disappear. After restating if I add them again they work again (and don’t download media again because it’s all still there). Since then I have successfully added 20+ GameCube games and it’s worked fine. Maybe a problem with the PS2 set up? All my platforms were named and configured automatically by the rom importer.

Big disclaimer: this is all happening in Onedrive. I have carefully set everything up the best way I can figure and this is the first problem I haven’t been able to figure out. I’m extremely suspicious of the cloud storage and would bet big money the problem lies there somewhere. 

#1 problem I’ve seen is duplicate or backup platform.xml files. My Data folder looks perfect though. Definitely only one .xml for PS2, only other thing similar is the PS1 .xml.  I do have a bunch of random stuff in the Backups folder but I assume it’s not messing anything up from there? 

I check with LB open and the PS2 games added and can confirm they are not being added to the .xml for the PS2 platform. After I add them the file does show that it’s been changed in File Explorer and shows the icon for Onedrive uploading successfully. Onedrive claims my OD folder is all sync’d and good to go. 

Other info: I have installed LB on my Rog Ally as well and loaded up a few games to test it out but haven’t really done much with it. 

I’m open to switching cloud platforms if OD just sucks. One be a bit of a hassle but worth it in the end. 

Edit: forgot to say I have 20 something PS2 games already added that all work perfectly in LB or BB on computer or ROG. 

Also thanks so much for any potential help! 

Edited by piratethingy
Forgot some extra information, apologies!
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Found it! In case anyone else has similar issues, I had a small .txt in my PS2 games folder named systeminfo. It looks like it was created by/for Retroarch at some point. I never tried to use RA for PS2, but I believe it did erroneously make itself the default emulator for PS2 when I was first setting things up and had to change that. 

For whatever reason this file was causing my issues. With it removed things function perfectly. This file also exists in my snes folder which does use retroarch, and doesn’t seem to be causing issues there. 

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