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About This File

Hey, All.

I'm a new member of the community, and I love my BigBox setup!  One of my favorite aspects of this frontend is the smooth integration with EmuMovies, a website that yields great videos for each platform on my system.

In my excitement for new emulators, I recently installed Xenia (the XBOX 360 emulator), only to discover that neither EmuMovies nor the LaunchBox Games Database has a wide selection of XBOX 360 platform videos.  This is understandable, as Xenia has limited emulation at the moment, so there probably isn't an urgent need for this type of media.

However, if you're like me and enjoy adding platforms to your setup, it feels nice to include everything you can.  For this reason, I created a very basic XBOX 360 platform video, using a similar style as that found in the EmuMovies Unified set.  This video was tested at 1920x1080 resolution and looks decent alongside the other videos in the EmuMovies set.

The platform video contains thirty (30) seconds of footage from each of the following XBOX 360 games:

  • Halo 4
  • Forza Horizon 2
  • Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts

Please note that the Xenia emulator does not currently run these games, so the footage was taken from actual XBOX 360 gameplay.  I realize this type of video will not be for everyone, but if you find it useful, please feel free to integrate it into your setup.

Here's to hoping Xenia makes a lot of progress in the future so that we can experience these awesome games again.


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