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LaunchBox Community Forums

33 Screenshots

About This File

There were no themes I liked except part of one faeran made called Radiance so I took the game view from that and made a platform view to compliment it and that's all it is. It's very stripped-down.

It's made for me so there's a limited amount of platforms (it's popular console/handheld only) with no text lists or sound or videos and is ideally suited for 2D box art. If you want to make it work for you in some way, you might have to do some xml editing. I don't even know how to edit those myself - Consequently, it's not set up perfectly in the games view, text could be aligned better there for some platforms and better box art spacing but I don't plan to make any revisions of this. Hopefully there's no major problems.

The theme also matches my old Game & Watch stuff (although the game title isn't aligned well on that system because of all the different box sizes) and also my Game Boy overlays for Retroarch - Links here

Again, thanks to faeran and the Community Theme Creator. Attached some sample images.

Edited by hydef

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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Absolutely amazing! Love it

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