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Super Danganronpa 2: Sayonaya Zetsubou Gakuen 3D Box Art...

I decided to created something more challenging than my first attemp. I love this template layou and might decide to use it more...

This is yet another Japanese game from PSP not yet in LB Database. I am working on the whole game media pack but was excite after completing

this piece so I thought I'd upload and share it then get back to work...

If you need templates for games, movies, consoles:


Game Description:

Jabberwock Island-Once a popular tourist destination, you and your classmates at Hope's Peak Academy have been brought to this island by your teacher. Everyone seems to be having fun...until Monokuma returns and restarts his murderous game! Trapped on this island of mutual killing, your only hope rests in solving the islands mysteries.



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