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3 Screenshots

About This File

I decided to compress my ROM files for all platforms to conserve space, which had the side effect of dramatically increasing load times for some platforms. My family (myself included) is impatient, so I made these images to use as playlist banners. They're to remind us to not spam buttons and crash BigBox while it's extracting a file for 1-3 minutes.

I chose to use the Smash Bros Melee challenger approaching screen (A new foe: Impatience lol). Each platform has a silhouette of the console and controller, made using viking's console image set. If you want to create a silhouette, cut out the image, paint it all black, and use a feather edge selection (With GIMP, i used a setting of 50 to 75 then hit delete) to create a semi transparent border, then paste it all on top of the template.

I've included templates (with and without custom text), and both 16:9 and 4:3 versions of all images.



All Games Playlist
Atari Jaguar
Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo Gamecube
Nintendo Wii
Playstation 2
Sega Saturn
Sega Dreamcast

Edited by Zkyo

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