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NES USA Box art (Front + Back + Spine) matched to Launchbox DB. 776 games total 1.0.0

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12 Screenshots

About This File

Full disclosure, I got this originally from another source that is free to access but with no issues with copying.

I downloaded a full set to match mine (Which I also made sure to match to the Launchbox DB, the only games in this set that doesn't have the full box are

1) Steins;Gate (I only have the front and spine)
2) Asder 20 in 1 (Only the front which I got from Launchbox)
3) BMX Simulator (Only got the front which I got from Launchbox)
4) Go! Dizzy Go! (Only got the from which I got from Launchbox)
5) Pac-Man Championship Edition (Back of the box is just a green filler, would have deleted it if I had caught it before uploading but doesn't hurt anything)

All the rest are complete and uniform.

Figure this is a good start for a uniform look while the Launchbox DB slowly fill to match the new 3D box type added.

Only thing really missing from completing it would be the ability to specify left, right, top, and bottom spines for the games that don't use the same thing for every side.

Edited by Fugus

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