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MSDOS Games - Pack 01 - Artworks (Box 3D, Disk and CD Disc) - Alone in the Dark Collection (1992-1994) 1.0.0

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3 Screenshots

About This File

Hello everybody,
My name is Fernando and I am a game lover and Photoshop enthusiast. I have dedicated myself to rebuilding (in digital format) the boxes, media, etc... of MSDOS and WINDOWS games, trying to maintain as much of the originality as they were when they were released. I have a website (https://sites.google.com/view/coreart/home) where I make most of the Arts I produce available and I am constantly updating the content.
I intend to share here some Arts packages such as Collections and Game Franchises that were and/or are still successful in the gaming world. So I hope you like it and if anyone wants to suggest a game for me to recreate and/or create a package, feel free.
Yours sincerely,
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