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Everything posted by DefeatedBloodPython92

  1. I just love you. Thank you so very much for this. I spent hours yesterday trying to figure this out all of this. Thank youuuuuu ♥♥♥
  2. Holy cow, that was the problem. I was saving the script in the Exit section, not the Running section. Which, now that I think about it, it makes totally sense. I assume that the Exit section is for when it closes the emulator. And WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} totally worked. So, now that I have that fixed, I have another question about it. How can I add two scripts? Cxbx needs one to go fullscreen, but I don't know how to add both scripts. Btw, if anyone knows a extremely simple script to just go fullscreen as soon as the emulator opens, that would be lovely (just send Alt+Enter when the emu loads the rom). Thanks!
  3. Hello there! I'm trying to make a simple AHK script to close any emulator, but for some reason it doesn't work. I tested it with notepad and worked perfectly. Esc:: Send, ^!{F4} return I'm using this along SuperF4, that's why I added the ^, and outside Launchbox works perfectly. The other one I tried, but I don't really know if it works (I found it around here) is this one: Esc:: Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} return The only thing it happens in some emulators (like Cemu) is exiting fullscreen mode, but nothing else. And it's really driving me crazy. Thanks.
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