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Jade Aislin

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Posts posted by Jade Aislin

  1. This doesn't seem to be working anymore.  It worked on June 9.  But now, it doesn't add the tags I know are missing from steam games.  And when I try to use the steam url to scrape games I got from other systems, I click yes to overwrite what is already in launch box and get this error message:



    Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: C. Path '', line 0, position 0.

    App:     LaunchBox
    Version: 9.9
    Type:    Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException
    Site:    Boolean ParseValue()
    Source:  Newtonsoft.Json

       at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParseValue()
       at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Load(JsonReader reader, JsonLoadSettings settings)
       at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(String json, JsonLoadSettings settings)
       at SteamScraper.SteamTags.SteamTag(String appId)
       at SteamScraper.SteamApi.SteamSearch(String appId)
       at SteamScraper.Form1.button1_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

    Recent Log:

       9:17:40 AM Music.Prepare Start
       9:17:40 AM Music.Kill Start
       9:17:40 AM Music.Kill Finished
       9:17:40 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Start
       9:17:40 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke WPF
       9:17:52 AM Music.Prepare Start
       9:17:52 AM Music.Kill Start
       9:17:52 AM Music.Kill Finished
       9:17:52 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Start
       9:17:52 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke WPF
       9:18:09 AM Music.Prepare Start
       9:18:09 AM Music.Kill Start
       9:18:09 AM Music.Kill Finished
       9:18:09 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Start
       9:18:09 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke WPF
       9:18:11 AM Music.Prepare Start
       9:18:11 AM Music.Kill Start
       9:18:11 AM Music.Kill Finished
       9:18:11 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Start
       9:18:11 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke WPF
       9:18:32 AM Music.Prepare Start
       9:18:33 AM Music.Kill Start
       9:18:33 AM Music.Kill Finished
       9:18:33 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Start
       9:18:33 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke WPF
       9:18:34 AM Music.Prepare Start
       9:18:34 AM Music.Kill Start
       9:18:34 AM Music.Kill Finished
       9:18:34 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Start
       9:18:34 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke WPF
       9:18:50 AM Music.Prepare Start
       9:18:50 AM Music.Kill Start
       9:18:50 AM Music.Kill Finished
       9:18:50 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Start
       9:18:50 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke WPF
       9:18:53 AM Music.Prepare Start
       9:18:53 AM Music.Kill Start
       9:18:53 AM Music.Kill Finished
       9:18:53 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Start
       9:18:53 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke WPF
       9:19:06 AM Exception


    Has there been a launchbox update that isn't compatible?

  2. I hope that I don't sound pushy, or that it sounds like I don't appreciate the effort you put in for this plugin, I do. . .but I was wondering how easy it would be to adapt this plugin for other fields?  I need the bulk edit append feature in at least two other fields.

    After using the steam scraper plugin, I have nearly 300 tags in custom fields.  Many of them could be consolidated and put into genre. For example, there are four different tags that are terms for turn-based combat.  Some tags also need to go in other fields, like multiplayer.

    However, I'm having trouble remembering which tags I've transferred to genre through this plugin because I can't delete the tag.

    I've never made a dll file.  If it is too difficult to alter, I will just have to use the plugin to transfer the appropriate tags to the genre field.  Then I'll just have to find time to clean up the custom fields individually for over 1000 games.  Although, you've given me hope that it is possible.

    Despite needed the same ability elsewhere in Launch Box, I'm still very happy with this plugin.

  3. On 11/3/2018 at 2:18 PM, wasili said:

    It fails at

      "tags": [
          "id": "427940348",
          "name": "3RPG ----- BAZ",
          "productCount": "65"

    There's no official specification of the api responses but this seems more like a messed up entry in gogs database anyway.

    I'm working on implementing error handling for the json parser right now to make the plugin more robust and allow the import of games with incomplete or unexpected game information which should prevent such errors.

    First, I want to thank you for making this plugin.  I have many GOG games and this plugin makes it very easy to get them into launchBox.  However, like the steam import, I am unable to get a few games.  I cannot seem to get 4 of my GOG games and I get 4 errors when I use the plugin.  So, I was wondering if you had made any progress on the error handling?  If not, it's still a great plugin.

    • Like 1
  4. On 12/4/2018 at 11:00 PM, fromlostdays said:

    I don't think this is an issue. Can you be more specific about what is actually happening? Are you going to import steam games, putting in your API and not seeing the games in the list that comes up? What are the game names?


    I'm having the same issue. A few of my games are not being imported.  I go through the steam import, use my api, and it says there are no new games to import.  I just retried importing the missing games and one came through (Learn Japanese To Survive! Kanji Combat), but the other four are not being found.  I first noticed this problem back in early November when I bought "Holy Potatoes! A Spy Story!"

    They all seemed to have been released in 2018.  The games are:

    Kitrinos Inside the Cube
       Release Date: Jun 19, 2018
       Release Date: Jun 27, 2018
    Heavy Dreams
       Release Date: Sep 1, 2018
    Holy Potatoes! A Spy Story!
       Release Date: Nov 7, 2018

  5. Recently, when I try to import my steam games, the steam import looks for steam games but reports that  "No Additional Games Were Found".  I have at least two games that I bought recently.  I even deleted the last game that was found and re-imported it.  The steam import was able to find that game.  However, it could not find the other game I had bought at the same time.  Nor can it find the one I just bought.  I even used the audit feature to check if the games had been misnamed, but I couldn't find the game id.

    I have the latest beta (9 beta 12, I think).

    Any one else having issues with the steam importer?  Any suggestions for what I can do?

  6. I love that I can have a random startup video when I use Big Box.  However, all the videos are too loud.  I played around with the sound tab in options, but nothing seemed to affect the startup video.  Does anyone know how I can change the volume?


    - Jade Aislin

  7. Looking at the different Big Box themes, I noticed that the trailer was able to have a video for the platform you were on before you chose your game.  My games are all windows, so viewing by platform doesn't work for me.  I tend to view my games by genre.  I thought it would be great if I could do that with genres or any other view I wanted to use.  Is this even possible?


    - Jade Aislin

  8. I have recently bought a premium license after advice from this forum.  Now I am trying to get all my games set up in launch box.  I find myself getting tired of trying to edit each game individually, especially the genre detail.  I have my own genres that I like to add to my games.  

    Is it possible to either bulk edit/append my games genres or import a list of my games with their genres?

    I know there is a bulk edit feature, but it erases whatever was there to begin with.  So if a game has a genre 'adventure', but then I bulk edit genre 'action', the game no longer has that 'adventure' genre. 

    I have hundreds of games and most of them were already put into an older catalogue program I have.  Any advice on how to make this process easier for myself would be appreciated.

    - Jade Aislin

  9. On ‎8‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 8:56 AM, Chris Kant said:

    01. do you mean details page in Launchbox or in Big Box? in Launchbox Detail Screen (the Sidebar) you can configure which of the given fields should be shown and which one not. there are also Fields for Series. in BigBox it depends on the Theme you would use.

    02. I assume not. But you can use a sort field, so you can beside the name of the game use a sort Titel like the Game Resident Evil: Code Veronica will sort in my playlist as Resident Evil 2000, to fit the chronology

    03. you can jump directly to a specific letter by pressing that letter on you keyboard. in BB you have a slider to jump directly to the wished letter

    1. I meant either LaunchBox or Big Box.  I'm not sure which I would want to use. While it is nice that I could determine which details I want shown with premium, I would still like to make sure the details I include are listed the way I want.  I was thinking I could make a custom field to desiginate a game's number in a series, but I would then want that field near the series field. Am I right that you cannot choose where each field shows up in the details screen? Also, can you have as many custom fields as you want?

    On BigBox themes: Are they easy to find and implement? Or is it easy to make your own theme?

    2. I thought about using the sort field, but realized it would only work if I always knew what series I was looking for. If I only know the name of the game and don't remember that it was part of a series, I may not find it when I look for it (Unless I drag my keyboard over for a search.)

    3. The slider in BB sounds useful.  I typically have my keyboard on my desk and dislike using it.  I prefer my controller or trackball.

    I tried jumping to a specific letter with LaunchBox, but nothing happened. Is there a specific way to use this feature? Or do I need premium to make it work?


    From what you have said, BigBox is sounding more and more appealing.  I'm just wary of buying another game organizer, as the last one I bought a subscrition for decided to delete their forum where I could ask questions aobut modifying the ways the details were displayed.

    Thanks for your prompt answers,
    Jade Aislin

  10. I'm new to LaunchBox and I am trying to determine whether it is right for me.  I had a couple questions about features and how to do things.

    1. Is it possible to rearrange the information on the details page?  I prefer to have series near the title and don't care as much about the publisher.

    2. In a series, can I indicate what number in the series a game is?  I have a number of games that do not indicate where they lay in the title, even though the series follows a chronological order.  It's nice to know that a game is in a series.  However, without knowing whether the game is 1st or 5th in the series, I have no idea which game to play.

    I tried looking at the custom fields feature, but without buying the premium I can't see if it will work for me.

    3. Is there a way to set up filters by alphabet?

    For example, if I want to play Portal, I select the windows platform, sort by title, and scroll through all my games to find it.  This is time consuming as I have a bunch of games.  Being able to select a platform and then filter for only the games starting with P would make it easier.  The same problem occurs with other filters, like genre.  I have a lot of adventure games and trying to find one game is annoying.

    4. If I used big box, would I be able to see the details and posibily videos when looking at the game?

    5. Is LaunchBox and emumovie premium worth it if I am only using LaunchBox for windows games from different stores?

    Thanks for your time and answering all my questions.

    Jade Aislin

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