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Everything posted by in10se

  1. Yeah, thoght so Thanks anyway neil. Restard I did already many times. The Exclusive mode is not working and so far I can't figure out why. But maybe thats the way to go. i need to close applications until the exclusive mode works. Dont worry, I will keep trying and post updates here if something works out for me. Thanks anyway!
  2. Oh man, thanks for your effort. I guess it will work for you. But if you are on to it. Try to change the profile and change the bindings in input-mapper. Then check if it still works. Thats what I did
  3. Thanks for your effort neil. I did both things. In retroarch it is not recognizing any buttons pressed. So I go to bind all and I hit buttons like crazy on the controller, but retroarch is not reacting to any of them. I changed the controller in Famicon, you were right, it was not set. But same problem, it is not reacting ingame. Something is blocking that the controller is used ingame. In windows it works fine with the touchpad as mouse and the buttons are reacting. But launching an app or a game it doesnt work at all...
  4. Ok, sad. Then it is not the problem. But even if it is showing, retroarch and any games started by retroarch are not reacting to any inputs... I can use the controller in windows, i can configure the buttons in other emulators, but ingame or inapp it never works
  5. Hi Neil, thanks for your quick reply. You are right. something changed. Yesterday I could choose "Dualshock 4". now it looks like this: any idea how to change it?
  6. Hey guys, the controller worked until yesterday with Inputmapper. Then I wanted to change the bindings for NES and used a new profile. Since then nothing anymore worked. Retroarch can't be controlled with it anymore. Retroarch even isnt recognizing any controller. So I deinstalled inputmapper and made DS4windows and same issue. Windows can be controller perfectly with it, but not ingame. I tried the emulator "higan" and as you can see in the video, it is recognizing the controller. But when a game starts nothing is reacting or no input is recognized. Can someone please help me?
  7. ok, thanks neil for the info
  8. Hi and thanks for your answer Neil. The thing is: The name is in the game name. But some games are written problematic with (&, :, etc.) and it doesnt detect it automatically. Thats why my idea was to write the launchbox ID into the filename and let it scrape via launchboxDB ID. Is this not possible?
  9. Hey guys, thanks for this awesome program first! Bought Premium and love it! I am having troubles with some files. I imported all my 3DS games and some files it just doesnt add correct metadata (or none at all) at the automatic scrape. So I have to go to the game, make it manually and save it manually. Which is annoying for future scrapes etc. What I did so far is: I searched for right metadata, copied that exact name (without [LaunchDB]) and renamed the file like that. After that name there comes the region and the languages (Europe) (En, Ger, Fr). But still it doesnt add it automatically on next scrape. Is there a way to let launchbox write the LBDB ID into the file and scrape only by this ID? Thanks in Advance!
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