So i did it and got it working, the dll simply looks at the application path, see its ends with .m3u and adds the default Launchbox multi disk icon (which i renamed m3u multidisc, as im using the neon blue disc from the neon arcade set already instead) to the list... Pictures show the settings used, which unfortunately resulted in 2 yellow warnings (shown in picture2) during the compile (NU1904) which i neither know what they are or how to fix them to make the green "perfect" compile @jayjay says to get on his Custom Badges page as ive never used this application before or "really" know what im doing at all (if he would like to explain or fix my error that would be appreciated too). The 3rd picture shows a set up games, list of badges so that the "launching" specified file ends in .m3u so adds "my" lauchbox default light blue double disk at the bottom, has its discs in the additional apps so that lauchbox has added the neon arcade blue disk 2nd down as standard for multidisc games, and each of the disks were individual stories so the same game but disc 1 and 2 are not sequential, and named to differentiate between the discs, so also showing "multiple versions" - the purple square stack 3rd down. Thanks @JoeViking245 that was an interesting solution. Ive Included the .dll too.
@Kefka2b you may be interested in the file? You just need a Badge image called; m3u multidisc added into the images/badges folder and the dll below in the plugins folder and turn on the plugin badges in the settings and all the .m3u files will have a badge.