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Posts posted by Luvkraft

  1. Hey guys, in the new update, 12.14. It says we have new theme documentation, located in the Themes folder where the old one was. Looking over it, I don't really see any new info? I did only do a quick Tab vs Tab comparison in Adobe Reader, so I didn't read too deep into the pages. Has the info changed?

  2. Hi, guys. It's been a minute since I messed around with CTC, so I'm sure it's me. I found myself following the proper install steps, but after I close CTC and then open it back up, i keep getting this screen. Any point in the right directions on this?




  3. So I can't seem to import, well, anything into Launchbox. Example: When importing Teknoparrot or ArcadePC games. If I use the importer itself, everything goes fine, until the last window before the import begins. The window shows no files. Via tutorials I'm supposed to use XML, TXT, or ZIP files. I've used all three and the result has been the same. When I do a import and check the 'Use Folder name', it still goes into the folder and pulls one or more random file to use, so I have a window full of randomness prior to import and not one Folder name is found in any of them. The only thing that does work, is right clicking on the screen and using the 'add' option, one game at a time, and doing it that way kind of defeats the usefulness of Launchbox itself. I've gone as far as doing a fresh clean install of Launchbox, and it still does the same. Anyone know a possible fix other than using another program?

  4. Well I've been reading deeper in the context on the errors and I have it up now. Not sure if it is the correct way, but when I copied the default, in the references folder there were only 4 dll files. So I went back to my main LB folder under the Metadata, and just copied the missing dll's. I have the Designer window opening now on all my view files. Thank you for your effort and responses.

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  5. Hey guys, not sure if this is the correct spot for my post. I keep finding myself with the urge to create a custom theme for my setup, even if it's solely just for my setup. Graphics design and designing with a wysiwyg format, like my olden days of Flash, and Dreamweaver I would be fine. Designing with code,...well, I totally blow. So I watch Mr. Carr's videos, then do the attempt, get frustrated, and do something else in life for a month, or so and then find myself once again on YouTube, for another cycle. When I watch the videos, I feel I'm doing what's being shown, making a copy of the theme folder, placing it in another location to work on, etc. More often than not, I seem to get shutdown as soon as I try to open one of the views. The most common error I get is an 'Invalid Markup' error, like VS finds a term it can't relate to, or find a proper reference for. So in-turn, I never get a chance to get a Designer window to open. I attached a screenshot, and I have no doubt it's user error, but if someone more fluent on the coding side could maybe give me a pointer on what I might do to resolve this, whether a setting change, or package I need to download, I would be greatly appreciative. 


  6. So as I go through and level out my build, I was wondering if there are a few more options when importing. I thought chosing  create from 'Folder Name' might do it, and for the most part it does on the other systems. My issue seems to be with my PS3 BU Folders I burnt from my old PS3 Fat. I can't seem to find a way to avoid Launchbox trying to scrape and put images and false game names on .dat, and other game files with the BU folders? Didn't know if someone had some suggestions or are there plugins for such?

  7. Well I got all by games up and running from Atari to PS3, but the funniest thing is, I can't seem to get the NES games to run on anything. I had some issues with the Famicon, but eventually found the mesen core seems to do fine. I have watched two videos, and used mesen, nestopia, quiknes, and a few other retroarch nes cores. I've even used Nestopia stand alone, which gives me 'invalid file'. I've attached pics, so maybe some of you can tell what I've got wrong. Any input would be appreciated, thank you.





  8. So I'm building a small form factor PC for just emulation. I have a 120gb SSD just for the OS but it always seems if programs are installed on the main OS drive they always run faster, no matter the config. I was wondering if it would be more efficient to install Launchbox on the OS SSD, and have it pull the games from the HDD, or just install Launchbox on the HDD and have the ROMS and Emulators within their respective folders inside Launchbox?

    Thank you

  9. Hey guys. I'm new to the Launchbox, and I watched some of Etta's videos, mainly with NeoGeo and MAME. NeoGeo went fine, MAME not so much. I've got a few .197's and when I double click on them they don't launch. If I right click and choose 'Open With' and MAME they load up. They rest of my games and systems load fine. I called myself doing verbetum of the videos, but I must not have. Anybody know what I could be doing wrong?

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