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Everything posted by CaptPete

  1. I will uninstall and re-install (after backup) and see if that works, then copy the data, emulators, etc directories back. Update must have corrupted something.
  2. Keyboard does not work in BigBox either
  3. BigBox won't respond to the controller but LaunchBox sees it and works correctly. Just updated to 12.8 and a registered user. Worked fine on earlier BigBox versions.
  4. OK, I'll try that... Seems to work, Thanks.
  5. I would like to add a Video Game Generation to the Categories (if that's where it belongs?) so as to unclutter the Platforms category. i.e. >Platforms >2nd Generation >Atari 2600 >Emerson Arcadia 2001 ... >3rd Generation >Atari 7800 ... >4th Generation >5th Generation > Nintendo 64 ... etc. Is this possible? Is it doable for the future? I know it's not for everyone but us archivers sure could use this function.
  6. I didn't wait that long - I Canceled and just used the tools/Download/Update Metadata and Media for All Selected Games after selecting all the games in a Platform Category. Best workaround I could come up with. Bye the way my connection is > 200Mbps. I'll do EmuMovies if/when it's fixed in LB.
  7. I don't understand your statement. I have both MAME and HBMAME on LaunchBox. No problems with LB supporting HBMAME. HBMAME is in the same directory as MAME. As HBMAME only has tweaks for SOME arcade games I put HBMAME roms in a hbroms directory and use the same rompath from MAME in the ini file for HBMAME, adding the hbroms directory as the first instance. Just add HBMAME as an Emulator using MAME defaults to LB and add an alternate emulator for MAME to the game if you want. Seems easy to me [Grin].
  8. On the MESS entry for Apple II, it gets a bit complicated. For a single disk with .do, .dsk, or .po extension (open the zip file to check) you could use "apple2e -flop1" (add other parameters before the "-flop1") and if the file has a .nib extension check "Use Custom Command-Line ..." and type in "apple2c4 -flop1". If there are two (or more) disks you need to check "Use Custom Command-Line ..." and type in "apple2e -flop2 "<full_path_to_second_disk>" -flop1" (no need to add the first disk as LB will automagically add it). You may have to experiment with which disk to use as a second disk. Some games need a blank disk to hold your info, scores, saved games, etc. and some have several scenario disks so you need to make several LB entries, one for each scenario. Also, there should be an entry for "Apple IIGS" also. That would be "apple2gs -flop3" for .2mg Apple IIGS disks and, checking "Use Custom ...", type in "apple2gs -flop1" for Apple II disks. See above for how to add more disk images. Hope this helps.
  9. Thanks guys, got it working. That "%`f1" variable works great in a batch file.
  10. How do I add PC-Booter games to LaunchBox? I have several PC-Booter disk images which I can run from the command-line using DosBox (i.e. "D:\DOSBox\DOSBox.exe" -c "BOOT 'D:\Games\DOS\Silent Service (198x)(Microprose).img'"). How do I add them using LaunchBox's DOSBox?
  11. The Atari 800 entry is incorrect for MAME/MESS. "a800 -cart ..." will give a "Not Found" error as the 800 has 2 cartridge slots so it should be "a800 -cart1 ...".
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