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4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. Wauv!! Thanks - that seems to have worked miracles
  2. i have been making a custom theme for my vertical setup, I used the default theme and build on that. My Theme is great I think, and I have default, arcade and pinball setup - however when I change platform BigBox freezes up and I have to (CTRL+alt+delete) to get it unstuck. Any pointers are welcome on what I can do, and what might cause the issue as I am stumped for ideas by now. Thanks //cosmodk
  3. Ok i figured it out, I had to change the resolution to reflect that I was running my screen as a vertical and not as a horisontal display (from 1920x1080 to 1080x1920) and now it works
  4. I just added Pinball FX3 to my vertical LaunchBox/Bigbox, however I am experiencing an issue where it loads the Pinball FX3 table behind BigBox (can hear sound and CTRL/TAB to the window to make it active) Anybody with some insight on how to solve this? Cheers Cosmo
  5. I Would love this feature as well, there are some smaller/older platforms I don't want on display in Bigbox, but still want to be able to play them through launcbox
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