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Everything posted by CaptainJ

  1. It was at 60. I updated a few intel items and it seems to have done the trick for now. Thank you!
  2. I have had launchbox for about a year and have been running it without any issues in that time. I have not used it in about a month so today when I turned it on it asked me to upgrade to the newest version, which I did. After I did that all of my games have been running at half speed both video and audio. After doing some looking around I saw that this is only happening when I run a game through retroarch. Since a lot of my games I have two emulators each (one retroarch, one system specific) I tried games through each of those alternate emulators and they run fine, even through launchbox. So this is definitely a retroarch problem. I then saw I was one version behind on retroarch so I updated that as well and still having the same problem. Any advice?
  3. So I refreshed the cache about 20 times, restarted big box, and they finally showed up! I don’t know what happened as I didn’t move anything or rename anything but I am glad they work now. My LB has been doing a few random weird things since the last update but it usually eventually gets worked out. Thank you so much for hanging in there with me and for the ideas i appreciate your time!
  4. It’s just how I found them on the internet originally, and those are the only two like that, but they are all indeed in .png. I would even be fine with them having the background in the game selection screen just as long as there was something there instead of the blank space. Are you sure there isn’t a separate folder somewhere they would go? I don’t understand why they show fine in the main menu but not the game selection screen. On a side note, the ones that ARE working (like nes) I’m in the clear logo folder and I don’t see the system logos there at all so where are they?
  5. Everything is named correctly and in the right folder. I took a picture of it (fds) working on the main menu screen. If it shows up there why won’t it show up in the top right corner of the game selection screen?
  6. They are all .png
  7. HI guys thanks for the quick response, but I think there is a misunderstanding. I have the clear logo files correctly named and in the clear logo folder. They show up correctly on the main menu screen where you scroll through your list of systems. No problem there. Its when you click on a system and go into it (where you then pick the game you want to play) that the ones that were not originally included are not showing up in the top right hand corner of the screen (see pics for comparison)
  8. Had a quick question about this theme. First of all I love it! It works 100% perfect for me and was just what I was looking for! So after I downloaded it, I noticed it didn't have a few clear logos for some of my systems (fds, turbo-16, vectrex, etc). No big deal though I downloaded the logos through emu movies, installed them in the retro fresh theme folder under images, platforms, clear logos, and they appeared with no problem. My question is once you pick the system you want to play, how do I get the system logo to appear in the upper right hand corner for those systems on the game selection screen? As you can seen by the attached pictures, since my NES one already had the logo included with the theme, it appears in the top right hand corner, but since my famicom disk system did not have the logo included originally, it does not appear. What folder should I put these platform logo pics in to make them appear? Thanks in advance for the help!
  9. Oddly enough this worked, and it was because I had my time manually set (even though it was correct) instead of auto set. Thank you!
  10. Hi guys hoping someone can help me out here, i am a Launchbox premium user and I want to download all the platform videos. Inside Launchbox I went to tools, then to download platform/playlist theme videos and when I do I get this error: ”unable to connect to and/or validate with the Launchbox videos database. Please make sure you have an internet connection and that your local computers date and time are set correctly” of course I have internet (I’m posting this via the Internet right now) and my clock and time are fine as well. What am I doing wrong? thanks in advance!
  11. Very strange as this is how they were given to me when I originally downloaded the Daphne rom pack, and as I said they both run perfectly though the loader. I will try what you suggested though thanks again!
  12. Below is my log, and like I said this is only happening with Galaxy Ranger and Road Blaster through launch box. The rest of the games work 100% in Launchbox and Galaxy Ranger and Road Blaster works 100% in Daphne Loader (as well as the other games). How do I get those two to run in Launchbox? --DAPHNE version 1.0.12 --Command line is: Daphne.exe galaxyr vldp -fullscreen -x 640 -y 480 -framefile ..\..\Emulators\Daphne\vldp\galaxyr\galaxyr.txt --CPU : GenuineIntel 2000 MHz || Mem : 2048 megs --OS : Windows NT Derivative || Video : Intel(R) HD Graphics --OpenGL: Compiled In --RGB2YUV Function: MMX --Line Blending Function: MMX --Audio Mixing Function: MMX ERROR: Unknown game type specified : galaxyr Bad command line or initialization problem (see daphne_log.txt for details). To run DAPHNE, you must specify which game to run and which laserdisc player you are using. For example, try 'daphne lair noldp' to run Dragon's Lair in testing mode.
  13. Hi guys, was there ever an answer to this question that ETAPRIME asked? I have everything set up perfectly, and all my games work fine in Launchbox except for road blaster and galaxy ranger which gives me the above message. They both work fine in the Daphne loader, would anyone know why just these two are giving me problems?
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