Version 1.0.0
Uploading this as the ZX Spectrum could use some love on Launchbox. I've tried to create a unified size while maintaining all of the original artwork. I've maintained 3 different sizes using the cassette template that was floating around here with some "reconstructed" front cover images (if anyone knows who initially started that template, please let me know so I can credit the respective creator. The sizes are as follows:
Single Cassette Case: these are using the existing cassette template and were used for all single cassette games or clamshells that were as close to the tape size when scaled down.
Double Cassette Case: this is a new template I created keeping in theme with the single cassette cases. These cases are used for double cassette games, single cassette games that came in double cassette cases or larger clamshells where using the smaller template would have caused significant art loss.
Square Cassette Case: this is a new template specifically for a few CFL games.
* This set includes 90% of the Code Masters games.
* There are a few games I added with a clamshell look and I kept them in the zip in case anyone wants to use those but the focus was on creating a unified set that was aesthetically pleasing.
* If there is a title you don't see here check the Launchbox database as I did not bundle those here as those were not my work.