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Everything posted by danielsan27

  1. Hi there, on the previous post, i resolved the issue concerned IPC configuration file for switching configuration on IPAC, from keyboard to Xinput and vice versa, all done via command line, ok. Now, i need to do this on script , inside Launchbox: for all Windows game. Need a script that for every Windows game, before the game starts, it launches "WINIPAC.EXE ipacxinput.ipc" for raising Xinput configuration, and then when the game will close, it launches "WINIPAC.EXE ipackeyb.ipc" for reswitching on keyboard mode. On LB script, i saw only a unique window for doing only ONE script, but i need TWO scripts (one for pre start, one for after close) Only way to do this is editing every single game, but....not accetable, Awaiting some precious help Ty on Advance
  2. SOLVED! Talking with Andy (official IPAC reseller) he told me that every IPC configuration file must be set with all keys or all pad buttons, no mixed. Did a rapid check: IPC pad file was ok, all pins was set to pad buttons (also unused pins), no key. ------------> IPC keyb file had a pad button on a unused pin <---------------, so , when i tried to change from mode xinput to mode keyb via IPC file, didin't work for this reason Corrected IPC keyboard file, editing the unused pin, correctly set to a key button (not important which, because it was an unused pin) and then it WORKS ! Now, next step is, doing a script, but for this, i will open another topic
  3. Hi there, posting a new topic cause i'm difficult to submit a reply on old post. So, i did two .ipc configuration files (one for keyboard mode 1, one for Xinput mode on mode 5 (this last contains an HOME pad key) From keyboard mode 1, using the changing configuration via command line ------> "winipac ipacpad.ipc" it works perfectly, it switches to Xinput mode !! ISSUE: from this mode i want to return to previous keyboar mode so i do: "winipac ipackeyb.ipc" BUT DOESN'T NOTHING!!! On old post someone wrote had the same issue. How can it possible to switch form Xinput to Keyboard mode?? Ty on advance
  4. Hi there. Looked on Emumovies but, only founded a Generic video . Needed some cool Intro Video in style: shows hardare and some games... Is there? Ty on advance
  5. Ty for replies. FIrst to try on LB, i compiled script externally, via AHK, for try it and for referencing exactly the buttons, externally it works! I use IPAC-2 in emulation pad Xbox mode, it works perfectly and windows recognizes 2 XBOX PAd. My main problem is with TSUGARU. Howewer, i resolved inside Bigbox, assigning a pad button on Close Avtive Window. It works. I wanted to resolve via script, but maybe, emulator "take Pad contol" so internal AHK is unable to catch the button press. It's ok. Ty to all
  6. Hi there, on LB i use the following script for exiting any emulator, with success: $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } where after "$", i can put every key, it works! Now, i want to use a Pad Button, instead of key... On AHK script i know for joypad1 button 4, for example i use 1Joy4 ... Tried this 1Joy4:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } no works. tried with some emulators. I've tried: Joy4, joy4, 1joy4 ...no works! Obviously, Gamepad is enabled on LB. Some help? ty on advance
  7. Damn!!!!! You was RIGHT!! missing another "bios" file.... ahaha IT WORKS, NOW!! now...testing some game for knowing which keys are used by games (sometimes direction keys, sometimes other...depend by game) preparing for inserting on LB!! GREATTT Ty again P.s. -cart2 not recognized but not important..it works
  8. hi there experimenting a very bad issue...cannot launch Odyssey2 via mame, it says always :"charset_i8244.bin" not found Odyssey2.zip in on rom dir... mame 0.242 please help.. ty
  9. Hi there, having this problem: Running VirtualJaguar on LB, needs "joytokey" for jaguar's keyboard's issues, ok Ok, once i imported roms, if i edit every rom (by modify menu), i can add "joytokey" as "another application", but doing this for every rom is boring... So..is there any way on LB to tell "emulator": start and then, "run this program" ?? Hoping i've been clear Thanks on advance for the replies.
  10. i was mistaking seeing that video.. Thanks.. i also added clear logos for tables, but i have to search for "installing clear logo on rolling menu for the emulator" and.. "installing manually at leaast one image for every table". Is there any tutorial?? great work!! Thanks
  11. Ah ok, so .."FP" is out of your database... i was on mistake cause on Youtube i saw "Raindog's Future Pinball tutorial (Launch Box)" video on which FP was on the list... So..no image for FP, no rolling MENU...no images for tables... Thanks....
  12. Hi there, it works! But...on a video on youtube i saw on launchbox there already was a platform called "future Pinball". Now..with last version, with the "import ROM" procedure i do not see "Future Pinball" on all default platforms..is it normal?? I ask this because doing so all manually...it is not possible to see all official gadgets on rolling menu, like others associated platforms... Future Pinball has been erased from officials platform on launchbox? Thanks on advance
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