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Everything posted by jay_busacca

  1. I use wireguard vpn to access my home network and CX File Explorer to access files.
  2. Thanks for the explainer. My use case may have been common among some - I have an unraid server that houses all my roms. In an effort to minimize disk space, I save everything to my server and access it via wireguard, even from my phone. But I understand it's not going to be possible to do it this way.
  3. Hey All, I posted this in the noob forum because I certainly am one, but thought the troubleshooting section may be more apt: I've been a long time user of Launchbox, but I've recently moved into a new house and I've changed my system setup. I have home server running Unraid and multiple thin clients around the house that i use for gaming and productivity via Windows VMs. My old Launchbox setup was on my main gaming PC, but since I've gotten rid of it, I need a new solution. Has anyone else worked with Launchbox in this capacity? Do I install Launchbox on a VM or would there be a better solution to retro gaming through a thin client? **please delete if this is the inappropriate place for this question**
  4. Awesome, thanks for the reply guys!
  5. Hi guys, question on exporting. I exported to android using the wizard. Everything worked fine. But, I went back to add more a second time. The originally exported games were physically still on my phone, but LaunchBox wouldn't recognize them any longer. Is there a way to add roms or can I do it manually once the folders on the phone are created? Is there an xml file that i have to manipulate?
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