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Everything posted by MarkyMarkMarkMark

  1. Has anyone created an amazing top 15 or top anything playlist? If so can you past the playlist file hear please, 👍🏻
  2. Watching the YT video HERE where someone has listed their top 150 MAME games, I'd like to setup a playlist in LB with all these in. I already have the ROMS and don't want to add each one, one at a time, in to a playlist. Is there a way I can cut & paste the list / import it in to an LB playlist and auto-match up the ROMS or a better / other way please?
  3. Thanks neil9000! I didn't think of running the system generated shortcut ?
  4. Hi Retro808 I understand your replies but my problem appears to be that because I have bought and installed Pinball FX3 from the Microsoft Store App in Windows 10, it has self installed somewhere which I cannot find so therefore cannot find the .EXE file to put in LaunchBox. I've searched drive C and found some .PXP files in 'C:\Users\Arcade\AppData\Local\Packages\ZenStudios.24185CFAC4A6_sqz2yzgfp6bz4\LocalState\LocalData' but there's no .EXE anywhere in there (maybe these are just installer packages). ?
  5. Hi and thanks for the post but this is for a Steam purchase which I already read. My purchase is from Microsoft store, as per my post title . I don't have Steam.
  6. Hi Trying to add this game but can't find .EXE. I did find what might be it but it's in a system / hidden folder and I'm not able to run it. I also tried adding a Windows Game (via Wizard) option but it doesn't find it.
  7. Hi Q1. Can I hit a button to Favourite a game when scrolling through? Without going in to game details. Q2. How can I scan through my Favourite games only?
  8. I've got BigBox now into a Bar Top with two built in joysticks. I've got an N64 PC controller plug in the back for N64 games. The built in Joysticks are 1 & 2 in Win10 and USB N64 controller is USB Joystick 3. All works good and recognised etc. ? When I run RetroArch I disable the 1st two built in controllers so t only sees the USB N64 controller, otherwise the emulation uses the built-in Arcade sticks ? Problem: A lot of N64 games (run in RetroArch) complain that my N64 controller is not in the N64 1st port and say 'No Controller'. Question: Can I pass some sort of command-line args within BIgBox / LB to RetroArch to disable the 1st two ports so it reports my USB N64 controller as being on port 1? Or something similar?
  9. Hi I installed BigBox with RetroArch into a two player cab. All good. Problem is, I plug in Xbox controller for some games / cores and they look at cab player one controls instead of 3rd controller / Xbox controller. How do I tell RetroArch to ignore player 1 & 2 controls and use Xbox controller for some cores?
  10. Hi I've got a PC installed inside bar top cab all working good but I want to have a button combo to perform the shutdown option in BigBox so the PC gracefully shutdown and doesn't give errors when I next turn it on. How can I do this?
  11. Hi I like the way MAME64.EXE let's you set filters. I use it to show me WORKING / AVAILABLE / CHD REQUIRED / PARENTS. How can I do the same with LB? A bit of guidance please ? Cheers Mark
  12. Oh, I'll try this later today. Thanks
  13. Hi All! Loving the Android app and paid for premium usage ? I have a massive games list ported to my Android and it's a really pain moving the right hand side scroll thing up and down to get to a game. Can we search yet? or even press the first letter?
  14. Hi Enjoying the Premium version very much thank you ? When I export my MAME selection (Favourites) it says export N number of games but it always exports my entire MASSIVE selection. I only want to play my favs on my Android device. Is this a bug or behaviour by design? How can I export only a small selection of MAME games to my Phone?
  15. Hi Enjoying the Premium version very much thank you ? When I export my MAME selection (Favourites) it says export N number of games but it always exports my entire MASSIVE selection. I only want to play my favs on my Android device. Is this a bug or behaviour by design? How can I export only a small selection of MAME games to my Phone?
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