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The old style installer does include config files for every single emulator to cover whichever emulator a user could potentially be using. https://github.com/thebezelproject/BezelProject-Windows/releases/latest This is soon to be phased out in favour of the beta which is currently being discussed and tested in this topic. However, we did receive feedback from one or two users that they weren't happy with the installer adding so many config files to their install. Can't please everyone unfortunately. Try renaming the snes9x config folder to: higan (Super Famicom Accuracy)
Sorry to see that it's giving issues. As a first step please could you double check that you are using the latest version of the installer, available via this link: https://github.com/thebezelproject/BezelProject-Windows/releases/latest As as secondary step, try running the installer as Administrator. If you are still seeing issues, please report back and we will try to assist. Please also detail which OS you are running (looks like Windows 7?)
It has now, thanks for the suggestion. It will be available in the next iteration of the installer (v1.2) which will be released once the next system has been completed. For those who want to make the change in the meantime, open retroarch.cfg with your text editor of choice and find this line; input_overlay_opacity = "0.700000" Change to; input_overlay_opacity = "1.000000" Save the file and you're done.
Neil was right on the money with the hide mouse cursor option within Launchbox, works perfectly ? v1.1 is now up, and incorporates a check which will turn OFF saving configuration on exit within RetroArch if it is active. https://github.com/thebezelproject/BezelProject-Windows/releases/latest
A quick fix for now, turn save configuration on exit OFF.
We are looking into applying a default bezel per system if a game is loaded which does not have a bezel.
Which emulators are you using for each system?
Thanks, I will give that a try.
You could use the AHK posted by Lordmonkus here, it worked for me; https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/41268-hide-my-darn-cursor/?tab=comments&fbclid=IwAR2HJHC0NYNtx1WywxBA_sd6TPZcEFG2ah-aIwwdaUpSM_ELLMWR8DOvOL4#comment-259193
Sorry for the late reply, I took a little break after working on the install script, got a little burned out on it. That was by design, although the Bezel Project supports over 3000 MAME games, 2000 of them are using the generic MAME-Horizontal or MAME-Vertical bezels rather than game specific bezels. Not to mention the glass, screen_bezel, screen_bezel_glass, screen_mask png files for both horizontal and vertical orientation. It seems like an inefficient use of space in my opinion to have 2000+ copies of those? Are you saying that you want the .png files in the folder of the same name, e.g move mame\artwork\3countb.png into the mame\artwork\3countb folder which contains the .lay file, then you could run the following code in a batch file (save it in the artwork folder). The below will only move the game specific png files into their respective folders. @echo off for /f %%x in ('dir /ad /b') do move %%x.png %%x pause Of course you would also need to bulk edit the .lay files so they are looking in the correct directory for the .png file. If I have misunderstood, please can you tell me step by step what you would like to see, and I'll see if it's possible to incorporate it into the installer.
The Bezel Project installer for MAME is now up: https://github.com/thebezelproject/BezelProject-Windows/releases/ - note, this is for MAME, not RetroArch using a MAME libretro core. Feedback, comments, suggestions welcome. At this stage I would recommend installing on a fresh copy of MAME for testing purposes. The bezels are as downloaded via the Bezel Project, as such the .lay files are configured for a 1920x1080 HD screen resolution. Here is the underlying NSIS install script should you wish to check it over, it is view-able via your text editor of choice: https://github.com/thebezelproject/BezelProject-Windows/blob/master/bezel_project_windows_install_script.nsi
Try these: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ky2fmz0wrgsscbf/FCEUmm.zip?dl=0
Should be doable, if you download the script made by Dragon57, edit the Loop_Bezels.cmd file and change line 8 to this, then save and run. cscript ..\replace.vbs "%%F" ":/overlays/" "~/.config/retroarch/overlays/" >nul This is assuming that you are working with the cfg files from the installer. If you are working with the cfg files as downloaded from The Bezel Project GitHub page, then use the following line instead: cscript ..\replace.vbs "%%F" "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch/overlay/" "~/.config/retroarch/overlays/" >nul
Ok, I've got two template .lay files sorted out which seem to work nicely, and include a few options for glass/frame etc. Could your script be modified to perform two functions? Find and replace this line, from this: input_overlay = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch/overlay/ArcadeBezels/3countb.cfg" To This: <mamelayout version="2"> <element name="Artwork_1"> <image file="..\3countb.cfg" Then find and replace everything from .cfg" onwards (replacing .cfg to .png in the process) <mamelayout version="2"> <element name="Artwork_1"> <image file="..\3countb.png"/> </element> <element name="screen_bezel"> <image file="..\horz_screen_bezel.png"/> </element> <element name="screen_bezel_glass"> <image file="..\horz_screen_bezel_glass.png"/> </element> <element name="screen_glass"> <image file="..\glass.png"/> </element> <element name="screen_mask"> <image file="..\horz_screen_mask.png"/> </element> <view name="Full"> <screen index="0"> <bounds x="240" y="0" width="1440" height="1080"/> </screen> <bezel element="Artwork_1"> <bounds x="0" y="0" width="1920" height="1080"/> </bezel> </view> <view name="Glass"> <screen index="0"> <bounds x="240" y="0" width="1440" height="1080"/> </screen> <backdrop element="screen_glass"> <bounds x="240" y="0" width="1440" height="1080"/> </backdrop> <overlay element="screen_mask"> <bounds x="240" y="0" width="1440" height="1080"/> </overlay> <bezel element="Artwork_1"> <bounds x="0" y="0" width="1920" height="1080"/> </bezel> </view> <view name="Framed"> <screen index="0"> <bounds x="290" y="50" width="1340" height="980"/> </screen> <backdrop element="screen_bezel"> <bounds x="240" y="0" width="1440" height="1080"/> </backdrop> <overlay element="screen_mask"> <bounds x="290" y="45" width="1340" height="990"/> </overlay> <bezel element="Artwork_1"> <bounds x="0" y="0" width="1920" height="1080"/> </bezel> </view> <view name="Framed_Glass"> <screen index="0"> <bounds x="290" y="50" width="1340" height="980"/> </screen> <backdrop element="screen_bezel_glass"> <bounds x="240" y="0" width="1440" height="1080"/> </backdrop> <overlay element="screen_mask"> <bounds x="290" y="45" width="1340" height="990"/> </overlay> <bezel element="Artwork_1"> <bounds x="0" y="0" width="1920" height="1080"/> </bezel> </view> </mamelayout> Finally, rename the file from a .cfg to a .lay. Is something like this doable with your script? vertical_template.lay horizontal_template.lay
Looking through the MAME bezels in the github repository, there looks to be 368 vertical bezels. Re the .lay file, it appears you must have a folder with the rom name inside the artwork folder, in which the .lay file for that rom resides. On the plus side the .lay file can use relative paths (per the attached example), so the glass, horz_screen_bezel, and horz_screen_bezel_glass etc only require one copy, which should save on space. Does anyone have an example of a vertical .lay file they could share? vertical_bezel_list.txt gtfore06.lay