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Posts posted by Dreamstate

  1. 4 hours ago, damageinc86 said:

    All this crap is why i always include all my photoshop files with my uploads.  That way nobody even has to ask if he/she can save a version without something.  The files are there, go spend your time turning off whatever layer(s) you want and saving a new version.  Even though you can easily make an action to turn layers on/off and bring up a save as dialog box, it's not my responsibility once you have the photoshop files! lol.

    Yes indeed. Very easy to simply include the scratch layer separately in the lay file and if a user doesn't like it they simply remove the line of instruction in the text portion and save it. Done. No more scratch layer. But that would be an added thing taking time to include with every overlay and with that addition it could make the task unpleasant when you do multiples daily. I thought about doing it at one point and i didn't do it for that reason. I give enough of my time already. As others say about this hobby all the time, it's about the fun...right? Constantly catering to peoples personal needs isn't what this is about in the end for some of us.

  2. 3 hours ago, zugswang said:

    And from the sound of it, you literally lose sleep over people whining about asking to change your marquees ! 🤣

    Let's end the conversation here as we obviously have different points of view that will never be resolved.

    LOL... Listen bub, who started whining first and getting upset? Right. You snapped at someone because they asked a question about this guys artwork and i corrected you when you spit out something false. You don't seem to like being told you're wrong. Not my problem. I'm still telling you that this is what it is... and you're wrong. The scratch layer can indeed be removed from these overlays and it's not an impossible task to do it as i said. People will do as they please with stuff uploaded publicly here and elsewhere and you need not worry or get upset when they ask. These aren't your works.

  3. On 2/21/2024 at 12:23 AM, zugswang said:

    Everyone raves about how fantastic the bezels are (which they are), yet the first thing they want to do is change them.

    There are plenty of other MAME bezel sets out there to use and if they were my bezels i would think it was a bit disrespectful that people keep asking if they can change them.

    If someone feels the need to spend years changing these bezels then good for them, but it would be much easier to just use a set without scratches if that's the part you don't like.

    These aren't your works, right? Right. When someone posts work here publicly, loads of people will want to make it their own. You think people download my stuff and don't ever attempt to chop it to pieces and use it for their own needs? People literally whine on my thread and tell me to include the whole marquee on my pieces of art so they can chop it out or to remove reflections on them so they can use it on their own overlays or their lcd marquees. Some don't ask, they take and as i said, they take credit for my work. The only way you can take ownership or claim ownership or control your artwork here is to not post it if you want to prevent anyone from using it the way they want. You must realize this??? So you think people should take your advice and not use his bezels or alter them if they don't like them the way they are... lol. What would you say If some of the people who made the actual original arcade artwork he uses came by here and said they were insulted that he uses their artwork the way he does... making them look like there's spit and scratches on them? What do you think he should say if they demanded he stop?

  4. 10 hours ago, zugswang said:

    I meant for the whole set.

    Doing this on 2,000+ bezels would take forever, though I am sure you will tell me it would only be 5-10 minutes 😏

    I look forward to seeing your brand new (unscratched) set of 2,000+ bezels 👍

    And I'm talking about doing them all as well. It can be done. So you're wrong. Some of us literally have to alter each and every overlay to our tastes and yeah, it takes months, years. Making your own from scratch even longer. I've been at it for 4 years and i'll probably be doing it  that long in the future. I typically do each new game with artwork i like and I invest a significant amount of time into each one of them. I alter each and every overlay because i'm picky.

    Look at it this way... most of us focus on one or two games per day to discover and play. Simply getting into the habit of altering one or two per day isn't a big task. Years of enjoyment and discovery. At some point I'm going to be moving into a much more difficult area using VR and 3D software to make entire cabs in 3D. This 2D stuff, is child's play.

    As for my future overlays, don't get too excited about seeing any of my new work posted here. Lately people have been throwing my work around at other overlay forums, youtube and not crediting me when they post it. So I'm not too keen to keep on giving away my work when people do this. I take it as a huge compliment when people use my artwork in their own artwork creations or post it in full, but not when they take credit for using my artwork as their own and avoid crediting me.

  5. 2 hours ago, rdscarlisle said:

    ok thanks for the reply. I just got photoshop so will tinker around a bit cause I still want to use your bezels as they are the best for 4k screen

    As I posted above, you'll need to find the bezel artwork for each overlay. I usually look on Arcadeartwork.org or https://mameworld.info/mrdo/index.php  etc.  Load the overlay in PS. Place your bezel over the other one and make is transparent by 50% so you can see the other bezel under it. Line it up until it exactly matches using a scale tool. Use the selection tool to delete the bezel under it with the scratches. Darken your bezel to your tastes and i usually give mine a cool adjustment as well. Make sure it lines up perfectly with the reflections on the sides of the cab and the inside of the crt hole as i said before you delete the bezel under it. Save it. Bam. You have removed the scratch layer. Enjoy.

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  6. 2 hours ago, zugswang said:

    It can't be done.

    It's been asked over and over, so I thought I would save you the trouble of asking 😁

    You would need to start from scratch (no pun intended) if you want them all without scratches.

    Very easily done as long as you have the bezel artwork and basic PS skills, and i do mean basic. Very simple, uncomplicated skills. This isn't something someone can do easily if they don't know how to use photoshop or other photo editing software but it doesn't take me that long. 5 to 10 minutes. I've started doing this as my tastes have changed lately and I have stopped  using a reflective layer on my overlay bezels. You don't even really need to attempt to make the bezels have that particular look Mr Retro does with the glow. These two are examples of two Scramble overlays I did without the glow but still using the scratch layer i copied. Note the lack of glow around the bazel. Both of these are not Mr Retrolust overlays. I made both myself and just used his side pieces and scratch layer. The Spanish bezel is a photo I found and lightly restored and the other is a bezel on arcade artwork with the instruction card on it taken out. I still have the photoshop files and could just click the layer with the scratches off and save it. Easy peazy mac and cheezy.



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  7. 30 minutes ago, PiperCalls said:

    Wow those look great 👍. I'm doing bezels for vertical games on a vertical monitor now. Question how did you get the light behind the marquee effect? I can't seem to get any lighting effects that mimic that well.

     I obviously create these in photoshop and I make many layers that combined give the desired effect . I sometimes have as many as 10-15 layers for one marquee. I brighten, darken the colors. Fade things and blend them into each other and i use photos as reference while I'm making them. Sometimes i literally sample all the different shades of colors in the photos to get more accurate looks for the marquees. Most take me about 2-3 hrs to create. It's understandable why some people like myself use good photos in place of scans because there's so much work involved. But the end result is worth it when it's a cab you love.

  8. Midway Wizard Of Wor 8k

    I revisited this one since it's a favorite of mine. I swapped out the old photo of the marquee for a scan that I lit up for a huge bump in resolution. I removed the arcade reflection on the bezel with scratches as this one looks better without them. I gave the rest of the artwork on the cab a slight black light effect. Enjoy!

    This ones for you Charlie M.

    Wizard Of Wor Vertical Overlay By Dreamstate.png


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  9. 16 hours ago, djweevil666 said:

    Hi Dreamstate.

    Your work is breathtaking.

    I would asume you are from a older crowd based on your titles.

    The machines you choose are very beautiful astetically.

    I am about to look them up I have not heard of a large amount of your titles.

    So I wanted to say what you are doing is a very beautiful thing.

    I wanted to say thank you for sharing your creations and also for having me look up things that I haden't seen or experienced yet.


    Appreciated. I'm into restoring old artwork so the titles I choose aren't necessarily games I would play now or back when I was a kid. Some definitely are though and I've made my own versions when others overlay work doesnt suit my tastes. It's definitely part of my game plan to let people see what other countries offered in arcades because some were much more beautiful than north American cabinets. I just wish I could get my hands on some others I've seen like Spanish varients from Sega S.A. SONIC etc. If anyone is interested in stuff you've never seen dig into this site and its listings of all your favorite arcade titles. Some are mind blowing. It's like being able to see an alternate universe of arcade cabinets. www.recreativas.org

    Click the "Maquinas recreativas dedicadas"/ dedicated arcade machines section. 


  10. On 2/20/2023 at 11:37 AM, JackR said:

    Thank you for this collection. Some fabulous work here, the illumination of the marquees is outstanding.  I sometimes slightly re-crop these to fit in with my own private set-up, trying to not diminish the overall effect!

    I like to 'design' my own bezels too, but use proper photographs found online (!) when I find decent quality images, that need minimal 'cleaning'!

    Im not up to designing my own off the bat, like these !

    I'm a big fan of the Zaccaria stuff too. It takes me back to my mis-spent youth in smokey cafes/arcades !

    Could I put in a 'request' for you to make your magic with the Zaccaria 'Moon Crest' (not Moon CrestA'!) bezel ?

    I don't know what the rules are here, but thought I'd ask anyway!

    Thank you for your work, Dreamstate. It's much appreciated !

    I managed to get the Moon Crest CPO I needed and I'm restoring it right now. Pretty shocked to get it since theres only a handful of these cabs left. So I'll be making an overlay using all the rest of the artwork I've restored shortly. 


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  11. 55 minutes ago, kloug666 said:

    I can't imagine how much time you spend making these works of art... Thank you for sharing such wonders with the community !

    For my personal use I have updated their .lay files with the new artwork system (MAME 0.226 onwards). I took the opportunity to repair the volcano buttons in Centiped, Missile Command and Tempest that now have working lights. If you want, I can post those updated versions here or send them to you in MP.

    Glad you like em. Hundreds of hours, weeks of time are spent on some as I have to create multiple parts from scratch. For example, Zaccaria Space Pirate is a cab I want to make a mame overlay for next and making the pieces I didn't have scans of took me roughly 3 weeks of 10 hour days to make. Then I had to find the cpo scan and restore that. I waited for 2 years to get that final piece as there's only 2 or 3 cabs  in existance. The overlay will probably take another 12hour work day to complete. This guy from Italy took all my artwork and made himself a new Space Pirate cab. 

    If you like you can upload them all in a single post here. I myself haven't been able to update my mame since .200 as I only have a 32 bit PC and the mame devs only support 64 bit now. 


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