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  1. I just built a PC and I want to set up Launchbox mostly for arcade games on MAME at this point. I just have a few questions about the best way of doing stuff. I did have LB/BB set up a few years ago but I'm amazed at how much I forgot... Is it better to import the ROMS into LB or just have point LB to the directory they are in, or is that basically the same thing? With MAME ROMS I think I remember just putting the games I want to play into the ROMS folder so I can cut down on load times and can find stuff easier, but I guess I'd have to keep updating artwork and the like every time I add something. Or do you guys have all the thousands of ROMS in the folder and just pick favorites? I'm basically trying to keep storage low and not have to sift through tons of garbage to find the good games.
  2. Ok thanks monk
  3. I haven't fired up Launchbox or Bigbox in a while and have also build a new PC where I tried to install BB. When I try to register my license for BB I get a error message that my license is expired or invalid... I thought the licenses were good forever?
  4. Thanks guys I'll keep trying
  5. Thanks!
  6. Something more organized I mean or do I have to search through the threads in the Bigbox theme topics?
  7. Hopefully this is the right place and ok to post this question. I am having a hell of a time trying to get the MAME64 0.203 to load images in that big window that says image. Also cannot figure out the bezels which is really what I want to get going. I have searched the net and looked at Youtube but I dunno I need a good step by step guide. I'm on Win8. I have multimedia folders and been trying files from pregetto but still can't seem to really get started. I have no issues getting the cover art into Launchbox, just MAME specifically. Ideally I would launch games from Bigbox and have the bezels appear in the games.
  8. Do you happen to know if Autoruns will work with Win8. I checked out the website and it just basically says Windows. I'm in the same boat, making a laptop into a dedicated MAME player
  9. Duh of course, thanks again.
  10. Thanks. Got it sorted out...Next question, can I launch straight into Bigbox without selecting it from Launchbox first?
  11. While were here, I also upgraded today mainly because I thought I could select games with the joystick, not use the joystick as a mouse. I don't see a clear way to set this in the options/joystick area?
  12. Thanks coach
  13. You also said that's good for the simple themes, whats about the bell and whistle eye candy ones?
  14. Thanks for the input. Hmm might look into a used PC with a decent graphics card, but seems so overkill just to run pretty themes. I don't really play Steam games anymore, just consoles and mostly MAME these days. Something to think about when I build my cab, but kinda sucks for my dedicated lappy retro gaming rig. Do you guys think even video snaps will make it laggy? What kid of card and CPU are recommended for those heavy themes? I'll probably still upgrade just for the joystick support
  15. Few things I want to make sure about first. Will my computer handle those graphic intense themes? Laptop from 2010 i3-2310M 2.10GHz 4GB RAM, Acer Aspire, pretty much a entry level machine. I am specifically wondering about that theme on the home page that shows that beautiful Galaga and Moon Patrol game selection thing with the cab art style foreground and video snaps behind it. I don't really want to sacrifice ROM load times just for a nicer GUI, but if it would be good to know the graphic intense themes will make load times suffer a bit. Got used to using MAME64 and I expect that level of snappiness to launch now, I mean a second or two is fine but more than that takes away from the experience IMO. When I first installed LaunchBox I made the mistake of adding a full ROM set and it took like 7 seconds to launch a game, now it's just my curated ROM list of like 100 games and it launches games acceptably. Safe to assume with BigBox my joystick will work without a mouse like pointer like in LaunchBox, and be able to launch games with a button click instead of the double button click like in LaunchBox? I think I had more questions but drawing a blank now...
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