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Everything posted by ThePhlexican

  1. Not trying to beat a dead horse, but I can confirm that disc switching on a PBP does not happen in ePSXe using LaunchBox. I have ePSXe set to fullscreen so when I click a game in LaunchBox that's how it opens. I am in the middle of playing Final Fantasy VII from a PBP and when I reached the end of the first disc play came to a halt and I was unable to continue. Only solution I can see from research so far is run ePSXe independently and explicitly select run disc 2 in order to continue the game, since there is apparently no way to switch discs when ePSXe is in fullscreen mode. Pressing ESC closes the emulation window but you still don't have access to the menu to change discs. Not sure about other emulators because I haven't tried them yet.
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