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  1. I thought he was saying all he could find was a video marquee download.
  2. There's nothing to find. When you import games into launchbox it downloads all of the art, including the marquees.
  3. I never responded to this. The problem was using core provided instead of full as multiple people mentioned.
  4. Thanks guys. I swear I looked for this earlier in the year and couldn't find it. Even after googling /facepalm.
  5. I need to either opt out of the beta or figure out how to get the update pop-ups to go away. They're ruining my public arcade cabinet by asking random people to install it. Then if they hit yes, they are taken to the desktop and are asked for an admin password to install it. AND THEN.... if enough time passes by, it tries to install it itself and eventually crashes due to no user input. It breaks on something it need admin for.
  6. Extreme Home Arcades gets custom batches of nice ones from China. They might be able to sell to you but they're over $1k. Otherwise, it's very difficult to find the perfect size for arcade cabinets.
  7. If you look upwards one post above, you can see how I fixed it.
  8. Awesome! So, I turned it into an executable so it could be run at windows startup. I type "shell:startup" into run and drop the executable in there. Otherwise... I thought there was an option or checkbox to make launchbox wait for the program to finish running before launching the game. If not, you could add a sleep timer to it as well. I believe that's on the startup script autohotkey section.
  9. That's probably because it's a powershell script, needs to be have the .ps1 file extension, and needs to be ran by powershell. It's not a bat file that can be run by windows command line. I also think the very first directory at the top doesn't need the /Config part. It just needs to be pointed to the top level of the supermodel3 folder. If that doesn't do it... do you see all of those lines that start with Write-Output....? Those will show you if it's working correctly. Look at their output in the powershell command window after you run the script. Check that each step looks correct. Make sure to uncomment the final one at the bottom first, too. That will show you the entire ini file that's about to written. If that looks right and the gun lines look good, make sure that the file you're pointing to actually got written and matches that. Finally, did you also edit the registry to give your guns a name? Looks like you're using mouseGUN1 and 2 if so.
  10. There wasn't a solution for doing the dynamic game mapping of buttons, no. But you can set all of the buttons to white with a custom animation. I cant remember how to do it exactly, but you set all of the buttons to white in the animation editor and it just reruns that single frame of white forever. Also, I highly recommend the IPAC boards if you're using xinput. It saves so much time and is less of a hassle than using an ipac board and mapping those to xinput via software.
  11. Hey glad you found this. Try to follow it and let me know if you need help. You have to run it in powershell because AHK isn't a real scripting language. It just automates pushing keys. And yes, the config for lightgun games need to be set to raw input. I have two directories because of this. One for lightgun games and one for the others.
  12. A more permanent fix can be found here:
  13. Mame has a problem choosing the correct monitor to run in if you have a setup that uses multiple monitors. Monitor indexes get changed in Windows but doesn't get updated in the mame.ini. This happens when you boot with one monitor off, or unplug one and plug it back in. This is frustrating when you're trying to host an arcade cabinet and have it "just work". My games end up on the marquee screens which is a show stopper because it requires editing a text file to fix. Here's a powershell script that permanently fixes this issue. You can turn into an exe via Invoke-PS2EXE and then put into your shell:startup folder to run on boot. It runs mame in verbose mode to grab your (primary) display and then correctly uses that to overwrite the current DISPLAY setting in the mame.ini file. It then immediately shuts down mame. Change the directories to yours: #Set working dir to mame directory so that it can read and write the mame.ini Set-Location -Path "C:\Emulation\Emulators\MAME 250\" #Get-Location #Run mame in verbose to grab display info. Wait 1 second so the file can be written $proc = Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Emulation\Emulators\MAME 250\mame.exe" -ArgumentList "-verbose" -RedirectStandardOutput output.txt Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 $inputs = Get-Content -Path 'C:\Emulation\Emulators\MAME 250\output.txt' #Write-Output $inputs #Find primary DISPLAY $primarydisplayline = ($inputs | Select-String "\(primary\)").Line $primarydisplay = $primarydisplayline -replace '.*(DISPLAY\d).*',"`$1" Write-Output $primarydisplayline Write-Output $primarydisplay #Read in mame.ini $content = Get-Content -Path 'C:\Emulation\Emulators\MAME 250\mame.ini' #Write-Output $content #Edit mame.ini mouse related lines #Update DISPLAYx with primary DISPLAYy $content = $content -replace '(DISPLAY\d)',"$primarydisplay" #Write-Output $content #Write new mame.ini file $content | Set-Content -Path "C:\Emulation\Emulators\MAME 250\mame.ini" #Kill mame Get-Process -Name MAME -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force #Make guns rumble so we know this all worked cmd.exe /c "echo F.1.2.1 > \\.\COM11" cmd.exe /c "echo F.1.2.1 > \\.\COM12"
      • 1
      • Unusual Gem
  14. I solved my vcop problem. The issue was that xinput = 1 in the m2 config literally breaks vcop and only vcop when trying to use a second gun with demulshooter. It needs to be set to 0. The only piece of evidence was that if xinput is set to 1, then the second player gun's shoot button is always activated when in the arcade settings menu. This created another problem. My arcade cab only uses xinput input via its pacto 4000t control board. No dinpit was possible. The solution to continue to let them work for vcop was using xinput plus. I made a new standalone copy of the m2 emulator directory for vcop and patched it with xinput plus to trigger dinput with xinput buttons and then rebound vcops controls.
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