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Posts posted by Surfdeign

  1. I've submitted this on the bitbucket error log a few days ago as well. 

    After updating to 13.11 Big Box will crash ONLY on the Nintendo Switch platform when selected. It did not do this on the previous version and nothing was changed for the platform. This happens on any theme I try including the default one. Any idea from the below crash report?


    Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.

    App:     Big Box
    Version: 13.11
    Theme:   Simple Vision
    Type:    System.OverflowException
    Site:    Int32 Sum[TSource](System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[TSource], System.Func`2[TSource,System.Int32])
    Source:  System.Linq

       at System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 selector)
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.BigBox.ViewModels.FilterDetailsViewModel.ValidateStruct(IPlatform first, IEnumerable`1 second)
       at ProcessorBase.DisableCustomer(Object , IPlatform first, IEnumerable`1 second, ProcessorBase )
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.BigBox.ViewModels.FilterDetailsViewModel..ctor(Platform platform, IEnumerable`1 games)
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.BigBox.ViewModels.PlatformFiltersViewModelBase.LoadDetails(Guid instance)
       at ProductDispatcher.DisableCustomer(Object , Guid instance, ProductDispatcher )
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.BigBox.ViewModels.FiltersViewModelBase.<>c__DisplayClass222_0.IncludeAttr()
       at System.Threading.Thread.StartHelper.Callback(Object state)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
    --- End of stack trace from previous location ---
       at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()

    Recent Log:

       6:30:14 PM Exception


    Thanks for any insight...

  2. I'm trying to import Arcade Archive roms as a seperate platform, this is not an issue. I've updated the rom files to just the game name in plain english removing "arcade archive" from the leading name (BUBBLE BOBBLE.rom, DONKEY KONG.rom, GRADIUS.rom, etc...) and just the file extension (.rom used for effect). I can get all the metadata from Launchbox database just fine, including game ID's. However, Emumovies just says the game is not found for every title. I am logged in and have a payed account with Emumovies. I've set the scrape as to "arcade" and have tried renaming the platform to "arcade, mame, gobbledygook, etc..." to no avail with Emumovies. Anything else I could try?? The roms will not use the MAME naming convention ever.



  3. Good Day,

    I have a really weird issue after updating to MAME .261. I have MAME configured correctly to use BGFX shaders but when I start a game the scanlines do not load. The screen curvature is there and when I go to the ~ menu, CRT-GEOM is set as the shader. If I move change the shader to another, the scanlines show up as they should. 
    So the shader is loading, it's just not rendering the scanline part on startup. It was working fine with the previous .238 version and I didn't change anything in the INI settings and copied the entire new version over to the MAME folder, overwriting the old files so BFGX folder is updated. Using a Nvidia 1650 with current drivers if that would matter. 

    Thanks for any insight!


  4. Due to PIco-8 games having the .p8.png suffix, when I imported games the .p8 stayed with the game name in launchbox. Is there a way to bulk remove the .p8 out of launchbox without changing the file name and re-importing?

    Also, is there any thought to adding this "fantasy" console to the database for scraping? I just added the PNG files to a few image categories for now but would love to see more art available for this fun little "console". 


  5. Hello,

    Big Box is crashing in the platform view only when Nintendo Switch (should not matter the name but it's just this one platform) is selected. Using my own theme that has no issues with other platforms. Wondering if something in the metadata would cause this? Error below:

    Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.

    App:     Big Box
    Version: 13.8
    Theme:   Simple Vision
    Type:    System.OverflowException
    Site:    Int32 Sum[TSource](System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[TSource], System.Func`2[TSource,System.Int32])
    Source:  System.Linq

       at System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 selector)
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.BigBox.ViewModels.FilterDetailsViewModel.PopFactory(IPlatform info, IEnumerable`1 caller)
       at ObjectRef.AssetRole(Object , IPlatform info, IEnumerable`1 caller, ObjectRef )
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.BigBox.ViewModels.FilterDetailsViewModel..ctor(Platform platform, IEnumerable`1 games)
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.BigBox.ViewModels.PlatformFiltersViewModelBase.LoadDetails(Guid instance)
       at ErrorMock.AssetRole(Object , Guid instance, ErrorMock )
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.BigBox.ViewModels.FiltersViewModelBase.<>c__DisplayClass222_0.StopAuthentication()
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
    --- End of stack trace from previous location ---
       at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()

    Recent Log:

       4:59:43 PM Exception


  6. Thanks, that is what I figured. 

    I went ahead and updated everything but am having a hell of a time with XBOX 360. I can't for the life of me remember how I imported these, but I have several different formats (XEX, 000D0000 folders, ISO) and it's a complete mess just adding them to the wizard. Anyone have any suggestions before I really mess it up??


  7. I am moving my Launchbox install from an extra drive (D:) to my boot drive (C:) but am leaving the GAMES folder on the (D:) drive. Do I have to go thru each platform individually to point to the correct path for the roms or is there now an easier way to bulk edit the drive path?

  8. The Wall!

    View File

    Good Day,

    This theme started out as just an update for my Surf Vision! theme to add an outline to the wall views. As I started playing around with templates in the CTC, I realized that it was becoming a lot of work creating separate theme views for multiple platforms that required each one to be updated separately. As I was working on that, I just started putting together templates and **BOOM** The Wall! was born.

    This does require the latest stable BigBox version 13.1. The majority of elements in this theme are generated on the fly from YOUR artwork. You MUST have the below art as a minimum in your Launchbox images and videos folders and metadata updated.

    Launchbox/Images/Platforms - Clear Logo, Device, Fan Art, Default Art

    Launchbox/Images/<platform name> - Clear Logo, Box Front, Cart Front, Fan Art (or Screen Shots/Ad Flyer)

    Launchbox/Videos/Platforms - <platform videos> 

    I am running a Ryzen 3600, 1660 Super, 16GB with Launchbox installed on two 8TB spinners with a NVME boot drive. I am seeing some lag, especially when first loading Wall View 1 and 2. You will probably get a black screen while the view caches. Usually, this only happens the first viewing, but I've seen it take up to 20 seconds to render the view even after that. I'm not sure why it does this but open to suggestions to fix. If your system is less powerful than this, I would suggest not using this theme, but try it out anyhoo!

    I use Platform View 1, Wall View 4 with Game Details turned on for the most part, but there are multiple views to try out!

    I didn't bind any elements to the BigBox options menu, so I don't think much can be controlled visually from there. The game count does not work on playlists for some reason.

    Hope you enjoy and please let me know of any bugs or other suggestions. I don't plan on changing the format very much and may come out with small updates.

    Thank You!


  9. Sorry, there is only the one platform wheel view besides the text one. It should show clear logos that are assigned to your platforms in LaunchBox. Not sure what is scrolling around if you have 9:16 aspect ratio. There are several game views. I may revisit this theme, but it does the job for me on my vertical cabinet at the present time.

  10. Not sure if this is a Big Box or CTC issue.

    Using Launchbox 13.1 and CTC 2.5.2.

    I created wall views using "image-box front" for the wheel images and everything looks good and renders well in the CTC. After I publish the theme, the wall views can take up to 30 seconds to completely render in BigBox to show the wheel images. Before, the view would render quickly and cache the images while scrolling thru them. I have this issue even using a 5 column/3 row wall wheel. 

    Once the view has loaded, if I go back to Platforms and enter the same view, it renders quickly. However, if i exit BigBox then re-launch BigBox, I'm back to waiting for the view to render again. I've also tried to cache all images and it does not help upon the first viewing.

    What's really weird is that I also created a wall wheel using a CTC template and this one seems to render on the fly as normal.

    I even completely deleted and recreated the views as I did copy some from a previous theme and I still have the same issue.

    Thanks for any insight...






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