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Posts posted by atalec

  1. Hi, 

    I need your help with my pcsx2 games. When I launch it by Launchbox with a AHK script, I have this error


    If I launch directly Iso file without use an AHk, the game launch correctly, I tried with Bin and Cue and it doesn't work

    This is my AHK script 

    #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    ; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
    SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
    #SingleInstance Force 
        Run,taskkill /im "Lightgun.exe" /F
    Run, D:\LaunchBox\Sinden\Sinden Wii\Lightgun.exe, ,Min
    sleep, 2000
    Run, D:\LaunchBox\Emulateurs\PCSX2 Nightly Shooter\pcsx2-qt.exe "E:\Games\PCSX2\Crisis Zone.iso", D:\LaunchBox\Emulateurs\PCSX2 Nightly Shooter
    Sleep 5000
    Process, Close, pcsx2-qt.ex
    Run,taskkill /im "pcsx2.exe-qt" /F

    If I launch my game directly on PCSX2, it works fine

    Thx for your help

  2. Bonjour à tous, 

    Je cherche à configurer sinden lightgun avec cxbx. 

    Est ce qqun connaîtrait un tuto ? 

    Pour l'inclure dans launchbox je suppose qu'il fait utiliser un script ahk ou bat je suppose pour utiliser demulshooter. 

    Merci les amis. 

  3. Hi friends,

    I need your help one more time. 

    I'm trying to setup my dreamcast rail shooter on demul with sinden lightgun. 

    Someone know how to do that ? I think to use demulshooter with a bat file but what are the parameters?

    Help please 😇 



  4. Bonjour les amis,

    Je me prends la tête sur PCSX2 pour configurer les différents jeux de shoot avec mon sinden.

    J'ai suivi ce tuto très bien fait mais je pige pas tout.

    En gros j'arrive à jouer aux jeux avec mon lightgun mais à chaque fois que je lance un jeu, je suis obligé de recalibrer mon gun dans le jeu, donc difficilement intégrable à LB.

    Y'a une histoire avec les fichiers ini que je ne comprends pas.

    Si qqun peut m'éclairer ?


  5. Ok, this is my scripts 

    To launch sinden app

    Run, D:\LaunchBox\Sinden Player 1.lnk,,Min

    To Stop app

        Run,taskkill /im "Lightgun.exe" /F
        sleep, 500

    And the 2 screenshots 



    Thanks for your help

    • Unusual Gem 1
  6. Ok I follow what you say. 

    My sinden app launch correctly but when I exit game with alt+F4 or esc, the process is not killed and if I want to launch another rail shooter my sinden can't start again and give me an issue. 


  7. Hi everyone,

    I found and I create some wheels and I share it here, if you need one of them 😉

    Few of them come from me, and others come from deviant art gallery of [url=https://www.deviantart.com/pooterman]POOTERMAN[/url] et [url=https://www.deviantart.com/msx2p/gallery]MSX2P[/url] (Thanks for their work)


    capcom fighting collection.png

    crimson clover.png

    fighting ex layer.png

    ghost blade.png



    Natsuki Chronicle.png

    Nintendo Switch.png



  8. Hi,

    Sorry to up a old post but I have an issue with TP in launchbox.

    It's not the first time I add a game but with Goketsuji when I launch it in BB, I've a message "Game Location not set" but my game works if I launch it directly from TP.

    In LB I put --profile=Goketsuji.xml and I created a txt file with the same name.

    Anyone know ? Please


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