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Posts posted by atalec

  1. Ho everyone,

    I've got a problem with my new UHD screen on my cabinet.

    I had a FullHD screen and my games on TP launched correctly but now when I launch a game, it change my screen resolution to 1920x1080 or 1280x800 it depends of the game.

    The problem is, I have a marquee to display my panel layout, and when I quit the game and bigbox, my opened windows have moved to my marquee screen.

    Is there a solution to keep the resolution of my screen to 2560x1440 ?


  2. Hi, 

    I'm setting up systemin bigbox and I have a problem. 

    I use ledblinky to light up my buttons, and I have to tick the option "ignore escape command" something like that to make all work fine.

    So with this option when I try to quit games in teknoparrot using escape buttons, it doesn't work. 

    Is anyone has solve this problem with an ahk script ? 

    And how to configure the quit function to the home button of my Xbox controller ? 

    Thanks a lot for your help 

  3. Hi, 

    I created two plateform, Rail shooter and Shoot'em up, it works but I downloaded a logo for both and put it in the clear logo folder like that

    D:\LaunchBox\Images\Platforms\Rail Shooter\Clear Logo. My pictures are PNG.

    When I launch bigbox The logo doesn't appear, I'have just the name of the plateform.

    Someone help me ?


  4. That's ok for me, my 8 buttons lights on, it works 😉 I've chosen a random input in the list, finally it's just a reference for ledcontroleditor.

    But, now I try to configure lights for my arcade system, so I created my emulator profile in ledcontroleditor, import option find nothing, so I tried to create games manualy replacing space in the name by underscore, but it seems the system doesn't recognize System and Game.

    Do you have an idea ?

    My log

    [03/14/2022 17:27:05] 
    [03/14/2022 17:27:05] LEDBlinky v8.1.1.0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:05] Event Started: FE_START
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] Trial Version feature disabled: Game Start Animation
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] Settings.ini ******************** BEGIN
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] [VersionInfo]
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] Major=8
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] Minor=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] Release=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] Build=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] [GameOptions]
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] LightGameControls=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] GamePlayLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] GamePlayAniJukeboxOnly=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] GamePauseLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] GamePauseSpeakControls=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] GamePauseSpeakHighScores=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] UseMameOutputs=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] LightPlayerStartCoin=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] GameStartLWAFile=<Random>
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] GameStartSpeakControls=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] GameStartSpeakPrimaryControls=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] GameStartSpeakStartCoin=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] GameStartSpeakName=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] GameStartSpeakHighScores=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] GameStartSpeakText=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] AbortSpeechAnyKey=27
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] SpeakControlsPrefix=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] SpeakPrimaryControlsPrefix=Primary Control
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] SpeakStartButton=Start Game
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] SpeakCoinButton=Insert Coin
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] GameStartDelay=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] GameStartDelayLEDsOff=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] GameStartStrobeSpeech=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] [FEOptions]
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FE=launchbox
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] LightFEControls=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] DemoGameControls=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] DemoScrollDelay=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] DemoDuration=5
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] DemoIncludeAlwaysActive=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FELWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FEScreenSaverLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FEScreenSaverRandomText=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FEScreenSaverRandomTextDelay=60
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FEScreenSaverRandomTextBerzerkMode=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FEStartLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FEStartLWASingleLoop=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FEStartLWADuration=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FEStartSpeakText=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FEStartStrobeText=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FEQuitLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FEQuitSpeakText=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FEQuitStrobeText=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FESpeakControlsKey=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FEStartSpeakControls=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FEListSelectedLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FEButtonFlash=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FEButtonFlashSpeed=50
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FESettingsFile=D:\LaunchBox\data\BigBoxSettings.xml
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] HLActive=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] HLExeNameOverride=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FERunGameFromSS=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FESystemListsNames=Main Menu
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] [MAMEConfig]
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] Colors_ini=D:\LaunchBox\LEDBlinky\colors.ini
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] MameFolder=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] MameControllerFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] UseMameDefaultForOtherEmulators=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] MameOutputBufferSize=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] MameControlsFile=D:\LaunchBox\LEDBlinky\controls.ini
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] MameXmlFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] MameXmlFileSize=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] UseMinimizedMameXml=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] UseMameToTriggerGameStart=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] LoadMameFilesAtStartup=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] UpdateMameIniOutput=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] IgnoreSpacesInCfgMultipleInputs=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] Hi2txtFolder=D:\LaunchBox\LEDBlinky\hi2txt
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] Hi2txtNoDataMessage=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] [RandomText]
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] Text0=Get The Intruder
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] Text1=Intruder Alert!
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] Text2=I detect coin in pocket.
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] [Speech]
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] SpeechRate=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] SpeechVolume=100
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] Voice=Microsoft Hortense Desktop - French
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] [AudioAnimation]
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] AudioDevice=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] AudioInput=-1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] SampleRate=30
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] AmplitudeMultiplier=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] AutoAmpMultTargetAvgLow=8
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] AutoAmpMultTargetAvgHigh=14
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] AutoAmpMultUpdateRate=2000
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] AAMode=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] AAFEStartLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] AAGamePlayLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] AAGamePauseLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] AAFEActiveLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] AAFEScreenSaverLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] AACabAttractLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] TriggerMode=2
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] TriggerThreshold=25
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] TriggerFrequency=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] TriggerDeadZone=5
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] ControlFrequencyList=P1B1|1,P1B2|1,P1B3|1,P1B4|1,P1B5|1,P1B6|1,P1B7|1,P1B8|1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] ControlThresholdList=P1B1|1,P1B2|24,P1B3|24,P1B4|24,P1B5|24,P1B6|24,P1B7|24,P1B8|24
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] LockTriggerFrequency=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] LockTriggerThreshold=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] Decay=4
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] SpectrumMode=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] SpectrumColor1=clBlue
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] SpectrumColor2=clFuchsia
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] SpectrumColor3=clFuchsia
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] SpectrumColor4=clRed
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] SpectrumSingleAmpRange=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] [CabLEDs]
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] CabLEDsMode=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] CabLEDControllers=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] CabFEStartLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] CabFEQuitLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] CabFEActiveLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] CabFEScreenSaverLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] CabGameStartLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] CabGamePlayLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] CabGamePauseLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] CabFEListSelectedLWAFile=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] [JDR]
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] UseGPWiz49=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] UseUltraStik=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] UltraStikRestrictorType=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] UseServoStik=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] [LEDBlinkyOutput]
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] UseLEDBlinkyOutput=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] LEDBlinkyOutputProtocol=2
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] LEDBlinkyOutputIDs=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] BasePortNumber=1024
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] BaudRate=115200
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] IPAddress=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] Optimize=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] [OtherSettings]
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] MaxPlayers=2
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] CocktailMode=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] RandomAniExcludeSelected=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] DoNotSpeakJoystickActions=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] PreloadAudioLib=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] GameStartDelayTimeout=20
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] ButtonFlashPreventQDelay=750
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] LogFile=Debug.log
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] DisplayErrorsOnExit=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] ZipDebugFiles=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] LEDControllersOverride=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] JDROverride=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] NoLEDs=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] SaveUnknownGames=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] FEStartDefault=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] DetectJoysticks=1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] DefaultStartCoinAllGames=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] Message=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] CheckMsgAtConfigStart=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] SingleDebugSession=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] [Pixelcade]
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] UsePixelcade=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] [RunCommands]
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] UseRunExternalApps=0
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] RunFEStartCommand=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] RunFEListChangeCommand=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] RunFESSCommand=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] RunFEQuitCommand=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] RunGameStartCommand=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] RunGamePauseCommand=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] RunGameQuitCommand=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] RunFEStartDisplay=6
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] RunFEListChangeDisplay=6
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] RunFESSDisplay=6
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] RunFEQuitDisplay=6
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] RunGameStartDisplay=6
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] RunGamePauseDisplay=6
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] RunGameQuitDisplay=6
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] [ControlsEditor]
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] TestSingleLED=
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] TestRGBLED=P1B1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] Settings.ini ******************** END
    [03/14/2022 17:27:06] Speech Parameters; VoiceIndex:0 Rate:0 Volume:100
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Detected LED Controllers: PL1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Received Event - Queue:[1] Msg:[1].
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Mapped LED Controllers: PL1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] LEDBlinkyInputMap.xml ******************** BEGIN
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] [PACLED64-1]
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port001=P1B1,R,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port002=P1B1,G,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port003=P1B1,B,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON1
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port004=P1B2,R,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON2
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port005=P1B2,G,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON2
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port006=P1B2,B,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON2
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port007=P1B3,R,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON3
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port008=P1B3,G,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON3
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port009=P1B3,B,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON3
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port010=P1B4,R,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON4
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port011=P1B4,G,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON4
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port012=P1B4,B,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON4
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port013=P1B5,R,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON5
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port014=P1B5,G,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON5
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port015=P1B5,B,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON5
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port016=P1B6,R,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON6
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port017=P1B6,G,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON6
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port018=P1B6,B,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON6
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port019=P1B7,R,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON15
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port020=P1B7,G,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON15
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port021=P1B7,B,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON15
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port022=P1B8,R,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON16
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port023=P1B8,G,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON16
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Port024=P1B8,B,JOYCODE_1_BUTTON16
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] LEDBlinkyInputMap.xml ******************** END
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] LEDBlinkyControls.xml: v1.0 01/16/2009 15:38:09
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] 0 mame games loaded from LEDBlinkyControls.xml
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] 23 emulator games loaded from LEDBlinkyControls.xml
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Joystick Id [1] enabled.
    [03/14/2022 17:27:07] Speak [<pitch middle="-5"><spell>LED</spell>Blinky.</pitch>]
    [03/14/2022 17:27:13] Received Event - Queue:[2] Msg:[9~BladeArcus~MAME].
    [03/14/2022 17:27:14] Abort Speech Button: ESC
    [03/14/2022 17:27:14] Mame root folder does not contain \hi or \nvram folders. Hi-scores cannot be determined.
    [03/14/2022 17:27:14] Event Completed: FE_START
    [03/14/2022 17:27:14] Event Started: EMULATOR_SELECTED [MAME] []
    [03/14/2022 17:27:14] Emulator: [MAME] 
    [03/14/2022 17:27:14] Missing value in Settings.ini: [MameFolder]
    [03/14/2022 17:27:14] FE_START event can only be fired one time.
    [03/14/2022 17:27:14] Event Started: EMULATOR_SELECTED [MAME] []
    [03/14/2022 17:27:14] Emulator: [MAME] 
    [03/14/2022 17:27:14] Missing value in Settings.ini: [MameFolder]

    It's strange because the system say "Emulator" MAME but I don't use MAME, I use Teknoparrot to launch my arcade Games like Blade Arcus

    [EDIT]I find the solution, I changed my platform Arcade by Teknoparrot in Plateform for the Game, so now this is not see like a MAME game [/EDIT]

    Another question : Is it possible to hide the ledblinky window version which launch at every system launch ?


  5. Yes I tried with my xbox360 hackpad and a Xbox 360 gamepad. 

    But for Windows when I press LT and RT button, system see zaxis- and zaxis+ but I push buttons on the gamepad. 

    My panel has 8 buttons by players and I want to use the last buttons on the right for LT and RT liké L2 and R2 for PS gamepad. 

  6. Hi everyone,

    I comeback on the problem of LT ans RT buttons. 

    I try with ans Xbox gamepad, and Xbox hackpad. 

    When I try to use Quick input to configure my buttons in ledblinky nothing happens with LT ans RT, it seems not be recognize. 

    When you look in the conf software in Windows for gamepad, LT ans RT are recognize on Axis Z- ans + and not on button. 

    Someone solve this problem ? 


  7. Ok I solve my problem

    You have to activate ledblinky in launchbox option menu after that it works

    So, new question, I configure control editor for one game, when I'm on this game in bigbox, my control's lights are on the good color during 5 decs and after they turn off how can I keep the control's lights on ?

    Second question, when I launch the game lights turn off why ledblinky don't use the game profile I created ?




  8. Thks a lot, I will watch afin this video. 

    I think I have to setup something in launchbox for the ledblinky directory but I can't find where. 

    I have to finish this setup, I have no choice 😁


    I need help to setup profile by game and system if you have sole screenshot of your setup 😉

    Thanks again 

  9. Hi everyone,

    I'm setting up my ledblinky with LB/BB and I have sole issues with all DLL of ledblinky. 

    My launchbox and Bigbox don't launch. 

    I have to put ledblinky folder in the plugins folder of LB or I Can put it on the Root directory ? Because I have the DLL issues only when ledblinky folder is in the plugins folder. 

    Please help me !!


  10. Hi, 

    I'm trying to change light of my sanwa buttons by rgb led. 

    So, I bought that LED 


    I solded the tallest pin of the led to a + input of my pacled and the other pins yo 1 2 3 for exemple. 

    After assignement in the software, I launch the test software and nothing happen. 

    I don't need to put electrical resistance with a pacled right ? 

    If someone Can help me ? Please. 

    If you have a pacled with that kind of system Can you send me a picture ? Thks

  11. Hi everybody,

    I have a problem and I can't to solve it, please help me !!!

    I follow a tuto on youtube to configure PCSX2 on my launchbox, and when I want to launch a game it doesn't I have this error.


    All My games are in ISO format, and I try to change the config of CDVD plugin but I can't disable it.

    No problem to directly launch from PCSX2

    Thanks a lot for your help

  12. Hi, 

    I'm looking for my panel, and I'm interested by ledblinky to light buttons using by the selected game. 


    So, my question is, is it possible to do that with an hackpad Xbox360 ? And if it's yes, how Can I do it ? 


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