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Everything posted by bkcash

  1. Currently I'm using RetroArch Plus with the MAME 2003 Plus core and having pretty good luck. Launches from LaunchBox without any issues.
  2. Overall, I like the Android version. I'm running it on my Ayn Odin handheld and it works okay. There are a few quirks, or maybe they are just things I haven't figure out yet. Is there a way to customize the genres? For Arcade (MAME) games, there are a million genres with no banners. I'd like to whittle them down a bit, like I have for N64, SNES and the other ROMS I've imported so far. The last thing is how do I get back to LaunchBox from Retroarch? Is there a way to exit back out like in the Windows version? Thanks! Please keep up the good work.
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