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Everything posted by HomerRamone

  1. Tried it on 219 and it seemed to work. Then tried a different version of 222 and that was writing the hiscores.. but then it wasnt. something odd going on there. Think I might try installing the mame source and seeing why it doesnt always write the scores
  2. Mame version is 0.220 (2020-04-06) I ran hi2txt.exe -rd from a command line in my mame folder and this is what it output (Ive trimmed the pathnames though they look correct)
  3. Im seeing this on a couple of games: ERROR: unable to find a structure from the xml definition that matches size and hiscore.dat definition' for game 'ccastles' (Obviously they dont all say ccastles ) I've looked at several versions of the hiscore.dat and the values for ccastles doesnt look to have changed (im using mame 220). Is there a way I can suss out whats amiss ? (There are some scores showing for ccastles so its clearly working for some folks). On a related note there seems to be something amiss with Asteroids deluxe. Top score is showing as 151,515,151,515 - pretty sure you cant get a score that high in asteroids
  4. Looks like "Refresh images" fixes it. Thanks @DOS !
  5. A bunch of my games are missing screenshots. I can get them from whatever emulator but how do I get them into LB ? Mame for example will save the Alpine Ski one in a folder called Apline Ski and the filename will be 0000 I tried renaming this to Arcade\Screenshot - Gameplay (to conform to the existing filename pattern in the Arcade\Screenshot - Gameplay folder but still I dont see the screenshot
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