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Saieno last won the day on August 1 2023

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  1. It’s in the general options screen to skip the game details screen within BigBox.
  2. Unfortunately yes, that would be the only way currently.
  3. Heya Vahn! YEah you can manually change them if you like, they are setup per each platform specifically. The current colors are the same ones used for the COLORFUL theme videos to seemlessly match at the moment. But you can feel free to change it to whatever you like.
  4. I think on the Playlist results page, you should be able to change the view to one of the standard ones, like Coverflow or Wall2, or another custom theme if there's one specifically for playlists. Hopefully that helps.
  5. Ah that's a really good question, I'm not sure actually. I don't use RetroAchievements because my emulators are all custom, so I don't really have a lot of experience with them or how that works with LaunchBox. Unfortunately I probably won't be able to implement that kind of integration, sorry about that.
  6. Thank you! If you feel so inclined please feel free to leave a five star review! It helps support the theme and allows others to find it easier as well. Thanks again and glad you were able to get the issues resolved!
  7. Glad you got it figured out! So for the music, you should have "Game Details Screen" enabled, it provides additional details and is themed specifically for each theme to add more context and visual appeal. Otherwise you can remove the files in BGM within the theme and that will get rid of the music.
  8. Hrm...really weird that it worked but suddenly stopped. You don't happen to run LaunchBox on an external drive do you? I'd be happy to try and help but if you can provide more information about the setup, maybe the name of the platforms and the image folders, etc. I'll do what I can. Thanks!
  9. Have you tried downgrading your Launchbox if you recently upgraded it? I actually didn't like the changes they made to controlling all of my emulators for libraries since I custom make my own and it was highly intrusive. So I rolled back.
  10. Seems odd, but also doesn't seem like it would be a theme issue and more of a LaunchBox issue potentially. Check your Images folders within the LaunchBox directories to make sure the Box - Front folders have all the proper box art. You can also clear the cache within BigBox or refresh image data to make sure all of the images and caches are found correctly. Hope that helps!
  11. Great to hear! Or er....not hear! Happy to help and if you need anything feel free to reach out! If you feel so inclined one of the best ways to support is leaving a 5 star review if you feel up to it! Thanks and enjoy the theme!
  12. Glad you were able to get it working! If you feel so inclined one of the best ways to support is leaving a 5 star review if you feel up to it! Thanks and enjoy the theme! Sure! You can find the script to adjust volume here:
  13. Thanks for checking out the theme and glad you’re enjoying it! So that video is a bit out-dated and the theme has gone through a number of updates and improvements since. The content you’re missing is Platform Videos, which can be downloaded through LaunchBox. There are different styles of video, COLORFUL should match seamlessly, but you can use any video you like. Unified is also a solid choice. Hope that helps!
  14. Hey @DragoonDemon4 , that seems a little more like a BigBox issue rather than a theme issue, but I could be wrong. What have you tried in terms of troubleshooting? Have you tried the VLC player instead of the WMP?
    It's great to see the expansion on the Coverbox Fragments theme! The performance can take a hit in some parts but overall its a fantastic package that really provides a ton of options for whatever look you're going for on the supported platforms!
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