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Everything posted by WillyT

  1. Ah ok, thanks so much for your help so far, I greatly appreciate it!
  2. Hmm, the only emulator in there is rocket launcher
  3. Cool, that update is in there and it read extracting when I hit enter but the other one remains with the ROMs to which it was originally assigned. I don't know how to switch beyond that point
  4. Actually the emulator is Mupen64Plus OpenGL
  5. Yeah that's the emulator and it works great for anything else it's applied to. I wonder if I should switch it to the other emulator in the choice section?
  6. That's the rom I have. Loaded two other versions and the exact same thing happened at the exact same time. It freezes RetroArch in the loading phase. Ah the strange digital world.
  7. Yeah, seems like it. Guess I'll switch it out and see what happens - got nothing to lose. Thanks for responding
  8. When I load Perfect Dark it freezes immediately at launch and completely freezes the entire system until I close everything down. Is it just a bad ROM? all other titles work great. Retroarch just stops responding - as it reads
  9. Yep, figured it out. That's why I may be referred to as a noob. Thanks for the reply just the same my friend!
  10. Really new to this, but in BigBox when I change a theme and it reads I have successfully changed the startup theme, nothing is changed when restarting even though my change is registered in the options as such. I know it's some little thing, but any suggestions/tutelage?
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