Hello All,
A few weeks ago I upgraded Launchbox to version 13.14 based on the recent video which I thought said the latest version was 13.13. Since the upgrade, my PC (Win 11, Intel Core i9, 32 GB DDR4) gets completely bogged down when running Launchbox. Browser windows stop responding, the mouse becomes unresponsive sometimes for a few seconds, sometimes for a few mins, and other programs just stop working altogether. If I close Launchbox down, everything goes back to normal and my PC is happy again. I'm wondering if something went wrong in the upgrade or if maybe I have something set incorrectly somewhere. Has anyone else experienced this with 13.14 or is it just me? I currently only have 2 emulators installed (RetroArch and MAME 0.251) which covers my Arcade, Atari, Intellivision, Nintendo, and Sega systems, none which go beyond Sega Genesis. Any help would be greatly appreciated because I'd love to get back to playing games again without worrying if it will crash my PC or not.