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Posts posted by SteveT79

  1. It's the emulator edition.  Yes it emulates a keyboard but it seems Injustice sees both my physical keyboard and xtension joystick as two separate keyboards and it doesn't like the xtension joystick at all.  I would say overly coded and/or not tested well by the developers.  I tried vjoy and ucr also with no luck.  UCR .Net would not accept any keyboard inputs ... don't know why.  And when I used the old version and vjoy, I could not get vjoy to respond to any button mapping.

    Like I said it's only a few games that really have this problem, most I can just AHK around but some are coded so terribly I don't know what the developers were thinking.

  2. I've had good luck with Autohotkey on most of my games and the Xtension arcade stick.  However I have two that just don't work at all.... Injustice and MK X.  For whatever reason AHK doesn't work or they see two keyboards and freak out.

    For example with Injustice it asks to press a key on the controller to config input, but the arcade stick doesn't work but my attached keyboard does.

    Is there any hope for these games to work?  x360ce maps a controller to emulate an xbox controller.. that won't work.  I just need something that can understand two keyboards attached to the PC, map one of them to joystick inputs and exit when the game exists.

    Anyone accomplished this before?

  3. Tried that but still no go.  Something strange goes on with sorr.exe where it opens a console window as well which may be confusing AHK?  I had a similar issue with another game requiring administrative rights.  Once I disabled admin rights on that game it worked fine.

  4. Trying to get AutoHotKey to remap some keys for Streets of Rage Remake and having no luck.  Anyone here an expert on AHK?

    I'm a noob at AHK, not sure the difference between AHK_class or AHK_exe, tried both neither work.  

    #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    ; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
    SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

    #SingleInstance force

    #IfWinActive AHK_class "Streets of rage Remake" ;


  5. Not sure if this happened after the latest update or not but in BigBox gameplay images under the box art are not refreshing upon selecting a different game.  For example, if a game has a gameplay image it will correctly show it, but if I select another game without a gameplay image the old gameplay image is stuck, it doesn't go away so I end up with boxart not matching the gamplay video.  Only happens if the next game selected doesn't have a gameplay image.  If the next game has a gameplay image it is updated correctly.  Anyone else run into this?  

  6. I wrote a small program that assists in "correcting" Bezels for console rom sets.  What it does is normalize the ROM names and bezel names then runs a textual comparison between the two and taking the closest match between the two.  It lists out the ROM and bezel names for you to choose whether or not it was a correct match then renames the bezel config in retroarch to match the ROM name.  I used this to fix SNES, Genesis, NES, etc where the ROM names were not the standard bezel name, (USA) vs (US) or missing The, and/or IV vs 4.  It worked pretty well but the software was only for personal use so it's 1 not finished, just something I could throw together in 10 mins and give me results so I could get all bezels working.  I could finish it and make it more releasable to the public.  Is this something this group would find useful?

    I also had some other routines I wrote to run though all bezels and set transparency (I didn't like the default 50%) and also add a default shader. 

    If someone else wants to tackle something similar and make it into a Windows/Linux port for retropie I can post what I have for source as well.  Mine was Windows only.

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  7. Strange issue, I just set up my Xtension Arcade cabinet with retorarch (PC) and in 2 player games if you press down the game goes into windowed mode, then if you press down again it goes back fullscreen.  How do I fix this?  Making 2 player impossible right now.

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