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  1. this is more of a Retroachievements issue but would love for it to work on more games, i pretty much only play games with an achievement system,
  2. Nevermind, I toggled fullscreen mode in retroarch and fixed it, thanks y'all, everything is working
  3. During my troubleshooting I did something in retroarch that causes my games to not be fullscreen when I first load them from menu, I can still left click window and "toggle exclusive full screen" but I'd like to not do that every time, can someone please let me know what to do? Sorry for the question in a question
  4. Awesome! That fixed it, thanks
  5. Ok, I've had difficulties with retroarch since I started using my new PC I built, I haven't been able to access retroarch with hotkeys, only from launchbox by right clicking a compatible game, I'll keep trying that route
  6. been off of bigbox since beginning of august, tried to play a few NES, Famicom and Genesis games today and i get that message on bottom of screen, checked my API key and i'm logged in successfully, its probably been doing this several weeks, i tried a few weeks ago and got same message but didn't check into it cause i've been busy, any help would be appreciated
  7. It messed up again with mine, someone else on here said it might be an XML file too, I looked in and I had 2 separate XML files, I deleted one And it solved it,
  8. Ok, did that, hopefully that solves it, thanks
  9. I have 2 .xml documents and one text document Nintendo Entertainment System.backup Nintendo Entertainment System.missing.serial Nintendo Entertainment System
  10. Yes, multiple times, I haven't checked other systems, but NES tends to consolidate the ROM list on its own periodically, and it's always 688, but in my NES folder I have 859 games
  11. It's on a single PC, on an 8 TB external hard drive, I also have a separate build on my main hard drive but it's only a few GBs, no cloud, no server
  12. I just switched back to Bigbox and I have 830, still not the full 859 but strange, would like to disable it from consolidating on its own
  13. I have 859 files in my folder on same hard drive as Launchbox app, games with sequels keep ending up listed as different versions of same game, for example DuckTales 2 is hidden in DuckTales 1, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1 is hidden with TMNT 2 the arcade game, I notice in Bigbox then go to desktop mode, right click then if it shows alternate versions I expand selected games, then the I have it as a separate game, last night for the 2nd time I went through every game 1 by one and did this til I had all of them, this morning I went to play Mega Man 4 and it said ROM file does not exist, so I scanned for removed ROMs, it found over a hundred, then I tried to play it and it still didn't exist, so I scanned for removed ROMs, then imported them over again, now they're back playable, just turned Bigbox back on an hour ago and I'm back to 688 games, switched to Launchbox and it says 830, sorry for the long question and it's probably a couple problems in one, I've been having this issue since I've been using Bigbox and I'm currently updated to 10.10, thanks for any ideas
  14. I had same problem, I went into launchbox, right clicked on the game, selected edit, went to bottom, launcher, ROM file, the path looked correct, but I still pressed browse and chose the game, after that it started right up, it's happened to a bunch of my games today, but that fixes it every time
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