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Everything posted by scowhouse

  1. Hi Gerald Had the same issue when initially attempting to set this up. The fix for this issue is to open the lightgun.exe and under the configuration tab check the "Start application in System Tray" checkbox and ensure to save the settings after doing so.
  2. Since I stumbled across this thread recently and no one gave a straight answer to this question i'll do so. This method is useful when dealing with doujin games since many of them pop up with a config screen. in the game directory where the .exe resides you will want to create an .ahk script. This is easy to do. Just create a .txt file and then rename it afterwards to .ahk. in the text file you will want to add in the following. Run TroubleWitches.exe Sleep, 2500 SetKeyDelay, -1, 110 Send {Enter} Return replace "TroubleWitches.exe" with the .exe name you are trying to run. Then save the file and rename it to to an .ahk file. You can adjust the sleep time accordingly depending on the game you are launching. In Launchbox you will then want to change the "Application Path:" for the specified game to point to your .ahk script. This is easy to do. Just right click on the game in launchbox. Click edit, select Launching, and change the application path. Launchbox comes with autohotkey. Please note that it is likely with a fresh launchbox install that windows does not have .ahk scripts associated with autohotkey. If this is the case you will need to associate the files. This can be easily done by double clicking on an .ahk file and when windows asks what application to associate the file type with you will need to browse to your launchbox directory "LaunchBox\ThirdParty\AutoHotkey\" and then select AutoHotkey.exe An additional note. For some games it is possible that when the initial config screen pops up the correct button is not highlighted so hitting enter does not automatically start the game. In this situation you can add in Send {TAB x} before Send {Enter}. replace the x with the correct number of times you would have to hit Tab to result in the correct button to be highlighted.
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