Hey guys.
I was having the same problem here. I looked for many posts here and on the internet and nothing. The only way I found to translate the metadata was to create a python script myself. How difficult it was, I will share it with you.
To work you need:
- Back up Lauchbox metadata (currently going to tools/file management/Create data backup);
- Download/install the latest version of python and run the attached .exe.
- Run the attached .exe file and choose the files to translate.
- Restore the already translated backup.
If the .exe file doesn't work, alternatively run the code below (you need Python too):
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from googletrans import Translator
from tkinter import Tk, filedialog
# Função de tradução de texto
def translate_text(text, dest_language):
translator = Translator()
translated_text = translator.translate(text, dest=dest_language).text
return translated_text
except Exception as e:
print(f"Erro na tradução: {e}")
return text
# Função para traduzir o campo "Notes" em um arquivo XML
def translate_notes_in_xml(file_path, dest_language):
tree = ET.parse(file_path)
root = tree.getroot()
for element in root.iter('Notes'):
if element.text and not element.text.isspace():
translated_text = translate_text(element.text, dest_language)
element.text = translated_text
# Função para escolher vários arquivos XML
def choose_files():
root = Tk()
files = filedialog.askopenfilenames(filetypes=[("XML Files", "*.xml")])
return files
# Função para traduzir o campo "Notes" em vários arquivos XML escolhidos
def translate_notes_in_selected_files(files, dest_language):
for file_path in files:
print(f"Traduzindo campo 'Notes' no arquivo: {file_path}")
translate_notes_in_xml(file_path, dest_language)
# Escolha de vários arquivos XML
selected_files = choose_files()
# Escolha do idioma de destino
destination_language = input("Enter the target language code (e.g. pt for Portuguese, fr for French, it for Italian, etc.): ")
# Verifica se arquivos foram selecionados e se o idioma foi fornecido
if selected_files and destination_language:
translate_notes_in_selected_files(selected_files, destination_language)
print("Nenhum arquivo selecionado ou idioma de destino não fornecido.")