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  1. Yeah those original Dragon’s lair Steam releases look a bit old so they may be doing something funky in Windows 10 that was never patched or something. That doesn’t explain why it only happens after launching a MAME game though. I am glad you found a way to get those games working on your setup. Just taking a shot in the dark, but you could try disabling full screen optimization for that pac-man game and see if it does anything. Unfortunately I don’t have that version of pac-man, otherwise I would be more than happy to tinker around a bit and see if I could fix it.
  2. Sorry, I missed the last part of your first post. I downloaded the GOG version of Dragon’s Lair trilogy and couldn’t reproduce the issue. I also launched some Steam games after launching MAME and didn’t see the problem. How are you exiting MAME?
  3. Can you be more specific than "if a certain steam game is launched", and "these particular steam games"? I don't mean to be a jerk, but I'm not sure how anyone would be able to help you unless you can be more specific here. Also, there are a lot of posts on this forum about how to resolve focus issues, have you tried any of those?
  4. Is Steam running on your desktop or laptop? Have you looked for other software or other differences on your desktop computer that could be causing conflicts? I'm not familiar with that specific controller, but I have seen issues where buttons are swapped when using a Dinput device with BigBox instead of Xinput.
  5. I know this is an old thread, but I had the same issue with the Microsoft Store version of Killer Instinct. I happen to own Minecraft for Windows 10 as well and it has the same problem on my setup. I have spent a few days searching around the forums and none of the previous solutions worked. The "regainfocus" plugin from jayjay seemed promising, but it didn't work either for some reason. Possibly the dll file in the plugin isn't detecting when the UWP app is closed. The workaround I came up with is to create an ahk script that captures the ID of the active window and then waits for it to close. Once the game/window is closed, it will run the ahk commands from jayjay's plugin to Activate Launchbox/BigBox. Below is the script that I cobbled together: Sleep, 3000 ; Wait three seconds for the game to launch MouseMove, 1920, 500 ; move the mouse to the middle of the screen instead of the corner to prevent the title/start bar from appearing Sleep, 10000 ; wait 10 seconds for good measure to make sure the game is loaded and is the active window, this could probably be reduced WinGet, active_id, ID, A ; get the ID of the active window WinWaitClose, ahk_id %active_id% ; wait for the active window to close Sleep, 500 ; wait half a second, this might not be needed either if WinExist("LaunchBox Game Startup") { WinActivate WinWaitClose, LaunchBox Game Startup } if WinExist("LaunchBox") { WinActivate } if WinExist("LaunchBox Big Box") { WinActivate } ExitApp So below are the full steps that I took to fix my focus issue with Killer Instinct and Minecraft for Windows 10: 1. Download and install the full version of AutoHotkey, which has the functionality to compile an ahk script into an exe 2. Save the above script commands as a new ".ahk" file 3. Right-click on the file and select Compile Script, which will output a ".exe" file with the same filename 4. In Launchbox, edit the Windows Store/UWP game that has this issue and navigate to "Additional Apps" 5. Select "New Application", give it a name and browse to the ".exe" file created in step 3. 6. Check the "Automatically Run Before Main Application" box and hit OK Since it took me a couple days to find a fix, I wanted to post this just in case it helps someone in the future.
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