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Everything posted by Billybong

  1. Thank you so much... It worked! Really appreciate the help. Now my cabs perfect..
  2. So it's 2fold. I am using an ipac2 in a fighter cab with the ipac in gamepad (x360) mode. Running Cemu specifically for 1 game. So current control panel is set for 6 buttons each for p1 and p2 (a,b,x,y,lb,rb). Switch 7 and 8 on p1 side (left and right triggers in gamepad mode) I use as "exit" and "tab". There's no issues in Mame or RetroArch reassigning exit and tab to these buttons. As for Cemu though, I need to use AHK to exit out of the emulator, but I want it to exit with the right trigger. Using the exit script, I can exit the emulator using ESC button on a keyboard, but I want to assign the right trigger to send escape. Unless Cemu will allow me to assign an exit emulator button, I need a script that will allow me to exit the emulator with the rTrigger. So in all, I need a script that will allow me to send ESC when the right trigger is pressed and then escape exits the emulator. Sorry if that comes off confusing..
  3. Will give this a try. Wouldn't be so bad if escape wasn't tied to r trigger, but coming off an ipac2 in gamepad mode, unfortunately switch 7/8 are left and right triggers.
  4. Hi guys.. don't know enough about setting up ahk to do what I need in regards to Xbox trigger buttons. I want to exit cemu with the right trigger. On controller settings, r trigger is identified as JoyZ. How do I write this? What I've tried: $JoyZ:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } And Joy1Z::Send {ESC} ; $ESC:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } Nothing's working.. also tried variations of JoyZ< and JoyZ>.. Help?
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