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Everything posted by Scrappysphinx

  1. Never mind, just figured out i can map "close the active window" to a button combo which seems to work well
  2. Hi all, i have been configuring my launchbox/bigbox setup and got Amiga emulation working great with P-UAE 2021 core in retroarch. I have now turned my attention to CD32 games. I know most are just the standard amiga games ported over but some have cd audio, extra levels and the main part is FMV video. So far i've got Cannon Fodder set up winuae with a config file for CD32+FMV and Cannon Fodder ISO, gui disabled, full screen and custom mapped controller and in launch box i'm using winuae loading that config via the command line. This works fine and the FMV plays fine however i cannot quit back to launchbox/bigbox with a controller combo, i have to use the keyboard to Alt+F4 or F12 and quit. So my question is does the retroarch P-UAE core support FMV at all and if so how can i enable it as i couldn't see anything in the core options? Thanks :)
  3. Hi, so this is what i have. As you can see there is a button in the corner which was wired up to the Pentium 4 pc's power button, the joystick and 6 buttons, then there is 2 buttons on the front (the middle black front is a 2 port usb panel mount). The screen is a 15" dell VGA monitor, it has a small set of speakers internally terminating in a 3.5mm jack. I basically just want the turn on and be presented with the wheel/carousel to be able to pick a system and play a game. I tried setting up hyperspin (again i'm new to all this) but i couldn't get it to work with the joystick/buttons correctly and it was quite laggy when scrolling the menus. If the laptop will do what i want then thats awesome. I did also consider using an original xbox with coinops and emulators since i have lots around and have upgraded a few of them to 128mb ram and 500gb/1Tb sata hdd's. I do also have a raspberry pi 3 i could use but i found it quite slow, i.e. i select a system and game, the game loads but it takes a good 5 minutes or so for the controls to respond once the game loads and I have had issues with file system corruption on multiple occasions. I am currently trying to set up Launchbox/Big Box on my main gaming pc (i7-9700k GTX 2080) pc and then move it onto the intended hardware (i assume i can just copy the launchbox folder over to a different hdd and run it?). You can see the BigBox menu i currently have in the second pic. The full list of systems i am hoping to run are listed below and i am expecting to have a full rom set for each game. CD based systems could be dropped if needed. Atari 2600 Atari Lynx Master System Megadrive/Genesis 32x Sega CD Game Gear Gameboy/Color/Advance Nes Snes PC Engine PC Engine CD Saturn (possible but not set)
  4. Hi all, apologies if I've posted in the wrong section but here goes. Im completely new to arcade cabs but recently picked up a bartop locally really cheap that had a dead Pentium 4 in it. I've removed the dead pc and am left with the cab, controls and screen. I have purchased launchbox premium and hoping to use bigbox to cobble together some sort of bartop system that I can just boot up and play. I'm not too fussed about huge Mame arcade setups I'm think more along the line of old cart based consoles I.e. Atari 2600/Lynx, Sega SMS, MD (or genesis for US members), NES, SNES, PCE etc. I'm thinking up to maybe the sega cd/Saturn (I'm not sure on good Saturn emulation is) but want to avoid anything that needs analog sticks, I.e sticking with systems that had basic dpad + buttons controllers. I'm looking for suggestions on the hardware recommended for this sort of setup I have to hand a HP Elitebook 8440p laptop which is a first gen i7-720 cpu with an nVidia NVS 3100m graphics chip, 8GB ddr3 ram and 500gb samsung evo ssd. This machine has a broken screen so is sitting doing nothing, would this be powerful enough? I've been reading that the bigbox wheel/carousel can require a decent GPU so not sure if the 3100m would be man enough? Alternatively I've seen an itx i3-4130 with 4GB ram available for about £60 and was thinking I could combine that with something like a 2GB 1030 or something, would that be a better option? Thanks for any suggestions :)
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