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After more testing, I've been able to narrow down the issue somewhat. After having no luck changing the video driver API like was suggested, I tried downloading a standalone nightly version of Flycast and set it up as the Dreamcast emulator in Launchbox. Games are working flawlessly now. So this tells me there is something specific with the Libretro version of Flycast that is having issues with my system. Obviously none of this is a Launchbox issue, so I will post this over in the Retroarch forums.
Dreamcast games start fine, but the second any 3D rendering starts, like an opening cutscene, the game crashes to desktop and I get a video card error, like a driver recovery issue or something. All other emulators work fine, including Saturn and PlayStation. I figure there's probably some kind of API conflict in the settings of Flycast or Retroarch. I wasn't having this issue using an RTX 2080, but I recently upgraded to an RX 6800 XT and now get issues. If anyone has any recommendations please let me know.
Just tested it and yep, that is exactly what I needed. You're a legend, thanks!
I have no idea where to put a question like this, and it might be too technical for these forums, but I figured I'd ask just in case someone had the same issue and knows the solution. I downloaded a merged set of Mame CHDs via Jdownloader and Archive.org. It's my understanding that the CHD folder has to be the exact same name as the ROM zip for Mame to recognize it. For example: sfiii3.zip is Street Fighter 3rd Strike, so the CHD needs to be located in a folder called sfiii3. But when downloading via Jdownloader, it adds the archive name to the front of the folder name, so in this case "MAME 0 225 CHDs merged_sfiii3". I would like to avoid going through every single folder to delete that text, so is there a batch script I can create to do it? Or maybe a setting in Jdownloader I missed to not include that text when downloading the files?
I'm still fairly new to all this so I didn't realize CHD files were made for specific kinds of emulator cores. Now that I know that I'll just go ahead and redownload my CD and Saturn games in cue/bin, that should solve the issue. Thanks.
I'm at the tail end of my quest to create an emulation box that doesn't use Retroarch as much as possible. Why not use Retroarch? Long story, not important, don't worry about it. I'm having difficulty finding good emulators for pretty much every Sega console. All the best ones are Libretro cores, and I haven't been doing this long enough to know if there's a more simple frontend I can use for Libretro instead of Retroarch, so if you have a recommendation, I would appreciate it. Some of my needs are a little specific so I'll go in to details now: -My Sega CD ROMs are in CHD format. I simply cannot find a standalone Windows emulator that will run them. I've tried the Windows fork of Genesis Plus GX to no success, and Kega Fusion doesn't seem to like CHD either. PicoDrive is another Libretro-only emulator. -My Sega Saturn ROMs are also in CHD format. I've tried Madnafen, SSF, and Kronos, but none of them seem to like CHD. If you've been able to get CHD to work in any of these emulators, let me know. -My Master System, Game Gear, and Genesis ROMs are in normal formats, but one of the emulators I choose to use for the CD or Saturn would ideally run these ROMs as well. If Retroarch is truly my only option here, then so be it, I'll use it. But I can't imagine I'm the only one who has the above issues. Please let me know if you have ANY ideas. I'll try anything.
I googled this question for literal hours last night and this was never mentioned. I just tested it and yeah, WinRAR has this feature built in. That saves me a lot of time, thanks.
This is exactly what I needed, thanks! The only thing I changed was telling the batch file to delete the source ROM after compression, to save space. for %%i in (*.*) do "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a "%%~ni.zip" "%%i" -sdel
I have a full set of Nintendo 64 ROMs that I want to compress in to individual ZIP files to save space. I can only figure out how to add them all at once to a ZIP file. How do I compress each individually without doing it 1 by 1, which would take hours.
I bit the bullet and just deleted the games it was refusing to import, which was roughly 15 that I didn't really need anyways, and now it's importing all of them fine. I'm still not sure why those particular games weren't working, and my issue hasn't technically been solved, although I've worked around it for now.
I tried dragging and dropping the .cue files from Windows itself and while it doesn't give me any errors, it only imports 345 of the 1400 games I drag to it. Again, it's seemingly randomly not importing certain games. If I search for a game I mass dragged to Launchbox that it didn't import and import it separately, it imports fine. To be clear, all my PS1 games are working fine, and can be individually imported to Launchbox just fine, but when I try to import them all at once, whether dragging and dropping from Windows or using the built in import feature, it just doesn't import 70% of them.
Ok, I went ahead and did as you suggested and it's at least in the process of importing now. Once it finishes I'll update with any errors that appear. To be clear, the issue I was running in to occured when I chose to import ROMs using the option located within Launchbox, under "tools -> import ROMs. So I would hope it's a valid way to import ROMs...
Yes, I will try it that way as soon as it's done importing my Wii games. Might be a while.
It doesn't even get to that step. The issue occurs when I'm trying to tell it which games to look for. I input *".cue" in the search bar, press CTRL-A, and then press OK. It'll then give me the error for a random game. Edit: the game that gives the error isn't random, per say. It's always the same offenders. If I delete the game from my library the error for that game goes away. The issue is the error message I get doesn't list the entire name of the game, so it's hard to find which game it's having issues with, and some of the games it's refusing to import I really want.
All of my PlayStation games are in .cue/.bin form. When I try to import just the .cue files in Launchbox (using ".cue" in the search bar), random games will throw an error, saying "game doesn't exist, make sure the file is in the right location". It doesn't do that for all the games, and it doesn't do that for any other platform. I'm currently importing Wii games the same exact way from the same HDD and it gave no errors. Once my Wii import is finished I can give more info on the issue I'm having, but I figured I'd ask if anyone else has had the same issue. Edit: I've also confirmed the games that throw errors and refuse to import do actually work and play fine using Retroarch directly.