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Posts posted by EchoXenoD

  1. 15 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

    Its a very fair comparison, its software, and is sold at the price the market is willing to pay. Launchbox is doing very very well, so it seems that people are fine with the price for what it provides to them. At the end of the day every individual has to apply there own circumstances and income situation to any purchase they make. Only you can decide if something is worth the asking price.

    It's still too expensive, as you said, my opinion. I wanted to at least convey that instead of just pass by without saying anything, if you are selling well enough then there is nothing that will change about it; but I wanted to say something at least.

    I hope there is some consideration into that someday down the road is all I can hope for.


    Take care.

  2. 7 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

    You can get premium for as little as $30.

    How much is a new AAA game release in your country, im guessing around the same price as a forever license? So it doesnt seem to bad to me. Resident Evil 3 Remake is released tomorrow, that will be $60 for a 5 hour experience, compared to Launchbox that has given me hundreds, if not thousands of hours of use, and is also still constantly updated and evolving.

    Seems pretty good value to me in comparison.

    It's $105 Cad according to the store page. The other one expires within a year, which if it still lets you use the big box after that is still a little pricey but more manageable. Going triple digits though is, quite frankly, too much. Going over the price of a triple A game that cost millions to develop isn't quite a fair comparison either. I don't agree with  you, sorry.

    I know my opinion is going to be shrugged off; but most people that see that are going to just move on and not say anything; so I wanted to at least say something.

    No offense to the product, I think they are doing great work on it at least from what I can tell; but that is just far too much money sorry. Good luck with your product and best wishes.

  3. I had heard about this software before and I  finally decided to get around to giving it a go; and was going to spent some money to unlock the big box option, help me pass the time since schools are shut down for a while here.

    Imagine my surprise when I find out it's not $15 or $20 but it's over $100! That's crazy; it's great software but that's way beyond just interest budget. It's hard enough as a uni student, I don't know how people are able to afford that, especially with all the current problems going on.


    I know this is the actual fan forums of the program so I expect to just get flamed or whatever from others; but I just wanted to politely explain that I think you are asking too much for the use of big box. I hope you consider changing it some time down the road, or allowing to just the permanent unlock of big box as a separate thing or something. 


    That's all, thank you.

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