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Posts posted by Tunes

  1. Hi all,

    Although I have a RP/ES setup for portability, I wanted to create something on one of my boxes for playing at home, so stumbled across this thread whilst looking for a way to incorporate bezels in to RetroArch, and firstly wanted to thank everyone that has put time and effort in to creating this windows port of the bezel project (and all of those who have beta tested/bugfixed/etc)

    Whilst I realise that there is some fragility with the rom naming matching situation, I had a thought about the folder that is generated in config.

    I tested this out with N64, and it generated the "Mupen64Plus GLES2" folder, but with the core I was using, I needed to rename it to "Mupen64Plus-Next OpenGL" (as has been discussed in the past on this thread).

    How about, whilst installing a particular bezel set, the program scans the cores folder and using an in-built database (or even make it a config/xml file), it would see that I have "mupen64plus_next_libretro.dll" and know that it needs to copy the configs to "Mupen64Plus-Next OpenGL"

    That way if someone has multiple cores for the same system, it would generate all the folders needed. Yes it is doubling/trebling up on files, but as they are only small, I can't see it being much of an issue...

    How viable would this be @dragon57?

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