I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong but why not just use Duckstation in Launchbox with fullscreen? Then you wouldn't need bezel support. Because for that I use
Send !{F4}
Run,taskkill WinTitle /im "duckstation-qt-x64-ReleaseLTCG.exe" /F
*take note of your Duckstation version .exe and replace it if different. They've used different .exe names with different versions.
Or you could replace Duckstation with RocketLauncher, but I don't know if it will work or not.
Send !{F4}
Run,taskkill WinTitle /im "RocketLauncher.exe" /F
Sometimes different emulators require different scripts for them to be closed.
If you prefer bezel over fullscreen no problem, I just prefer all my games fullscreen and am more inquiring if you need help with making Duckstation fullscreen but if you want the bezel over fullscreen I'm not trying to change your mind.