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  1. ok so for the moment I have worked around the issue by moving the contents of Games, Images, Manuals, Music and Videos to the relevant folders on my other drive. I then deleted the folders in the root LB folder and then created symbolic links via the mklink /D command. I have just tested and its working as I hoped so a good workaround for anyone in the same position. ?
  2. another addition to this is, it would be great to be able to goto tools > platforms and add a platform based off the defaults you see when the goto the import ROMs wizard. That way you could configure the dirs. before you import the ROMs (If a global option doesn't exist). Currently im having to goto tools > Import > ROM files then let it start and then stop it once it creates the platform then change dirs. then go back and reimport. ? probably not the place for a feature request/improvement but thought I would mention it. ?
  3. Yeah, So are we thinking a bug to be fixed?
  4. So looking at this its possibly downloading chunks to the LB directories and then moving them to the selected directories ? Is that right? why wouldn't it just download to the correct dir? Also I still think this would be really good to set a global option for where to download/save the media info. Is there a design or technical reason this isn't the case? ?
  5. Hi Retro, No, I closed LB and edited the file then checked the folders were correct in tools > platforms. I am just retesting now and here is the setup LB install = C:\LaunchBox\ Data (ROMS/Media) = E:\Media Example of videos path for a platform is: E:\Media\Videos\Super Nintendo Entertainment System If I set the media folders in the UI or the XML via a text editor as soon as I run tools > import > ROM Files to import the ROMS I want it downloads all media data (Videos, Music, Images, etc) to the ones contained in the LB folder (eg C:\LaunchBox\Videos) this then fills the disk and crashes out the application. ?
  6. Hi Jason, Brilliant, Thanks for looking into it. It would be great if there was a Global option to specify the root media for all new platforms and thanks again, LB has come so far and is really impressive compared to where it was several years ago.
  7. Hi Jason, I really appreciate your reply, im not sure you are understanding what I mean. I have tried changing the platforms.xml folder paths with a text editor... this works when I go into LB however when I import ROMs for those platforms it resets the folders back to the default root of the LB folder. This is a huge issue as I have it running with the system on a mirrored SSD (40GB) with a 2TB (Storage Spaces Array) configured for the ROMs (And hopefully media). When it pulls down the images and video (EMU movies) it fills the disk and crashes out LB. I tried LB out some years ago and just didn't find it was where I wanted it to be so I have been using Hyperspin for years. A friend of mine advised me to revisit LB as it has come far and I can definitely say its almost perfect (Super great job to the dev team) however this is a stumbling block for me ?
  8. Hi Jason, Thanks for the reply... as above the version is the latest 10.13 ?
  9. Hi Team, Im still pretty lost on setting the Global folder for media... earlier in this thread it talks of setting this in the LaunchBox.xml I cant see that and im assuming its been retired in the newer versions. I can see the platforms.xml which I can change the file paths however when I re-scan in Launchbox it resets them back to the default which is the root folder for LB. This seems like such a simple thing and I cant believe that its come this far and that ability to set the root globally just isn't there. Could someone shed light for me. im using the latest version (10.13) Thanks
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