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Everything posted by Ebonia

  1. Ok great. Thanks I figured it out. Slightly different. in big box, options, keyboard automation, check off the “use keyboard automation” choose hold key, which for me was button 3 and then for “close the active window” option I choose button 4. does the job, works for all emulators now. Thanks
  2. Ok, so I read my x-arcaed manual. Button 3 and 4 are designed to close Mame by default. So Idk. https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0192/2714/files/X-Arcade_Manual_USA.pdf?4536 So if there is a script to send out button 3 and 4, wouldn't that be better? That way any new emulators can be exitted, if necessary, by the same command.
  3. Yes, I have a tank stick also. Which is why I don't to bother with the keyboard. I do believe it is in keyboard mode. It works for Mame, but nothing happens when Model 2 is open. Pehaps I need to config my tankstick instead?
  4. Actually , I was just following around with it. It never produced a button in notepad when I pressed it. It seems to be a the middle mouse botton, Thats cool too.
  5. Yes. For example, that is how I exit Mame games. I would prefer to use the big red button on the x-arcade stick, but never figred out how to do that. It only works for retroarch. But anyway, yes I do, but would like to also use it to exit Model 2. its basically button 3 and 4.
  6. $Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe emulator.exe } This works for me so thanks for that. How can I convert this script to send 3 and 4 at the same time to close the ap instead? I run this on a cabinet and I do not like to have the keyboard out. So I have button 3 and 4 hit at the same time to exit everything else. It's basically hitting the pinball buttons on the side of my X-arcade at the same time. I tried switching to send 34, but thats not correct. Thanks.
  7. After reading a lot of this, I see why some of my files work and some do not. I Just got a new pc and will use my old one as an upgrade to the falling part PC I use now. So I am going to do a full install of everything. Is there a recommended romset version that is most complete and works well with the lastest version of LB. Or Is it more download the mame version of pretty much whatever romset I find. I was reading the 1.98 to 2.04 were the most stable and easiest to find, but that may be outdated information. WIndows 10PC fairly new. plenty of hardrive space. Thanks in advance.
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