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Posts posted by Airpyr8t

  1. I noticed that one of the two dos box's included has a taewon build . the Taewon build I have lets you save by pressing alt +F5 and load with alt + F9. I cant remember if this build also uses dx9 and or opengl. If it does, Awesome, I pretty sure at some point I used to use reshade in conjuction with a dosbox build and d-fend to add some anti aliasing, bloom and  anisotropic filtering to games to give them a slight polish.

  2. 8 minutes ago, MadK9 said:

    The issue at hand is the 3rd party version of mame you are using, the author changed the default path for mame.ini, using the proper mame exe will solve any further issues you may have, using a 3rd party version can carry risks of stuff not working correctly. And as LB uses proper mame as its default, then the issues you have fall at the mameui devs fault. The team here cant fix every issue that xxx emulator may have.

    MADK9 . I am testing BOTH official mame220 downloaded by LB links AND my old mame64ui Iv'e allready had set up and working for YEARS. I am trying to (successfully now) integrate BOTH into Launchbox   for my own reasons. MY issue was I missed the step about COPYING the MAME.INI from the INI FOLDER, to the root dir of the emulator I want to use AFTER setting up the emulator and rom Directories in said emulator. FYI the caps are not yelling. THey are keywords for other people looking to find info quikly.

  3. 45 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

    Please, feel free to ask for a refund and go try one of the free front ends out there, i'm sure you will find those are more effort to get working.

    Now if you want help we will do our best to help but this passive aggressive crap ends here or we will stop helping you.


    look sir ive been trying out different UI's since ive discovered them over 10 years ago, ive gone through several over the years. Ive already paid for this, and spent days setting it up. Had no problems Except for mame (but mame has always been a pain) and getting bezels to work easily. Things that would help other people new to the program. Complete instructions in one place for each system. When giving advice such as "put mame.ini in same folder as mame.exe" I and probably some others would have had a clearer picture of what to do if told "Copy mame.ini from INI folder in your mame dir to the same dir as the emulator's executable." Like a lot of techno geeks I am high functioning autistic and if things are not spelled out step by step exactly, I may miss steps and my brain does not always fill in the blanks correctly. Again thank you all for your patience with me. Its just tough living in a world were everybody seems to give partial information, cause there's a lot of things they naturally get, that I and people like me do not. Cheers from another Josh


  4. 4 minutes ago, Retro808 said:

    MameUI.ini is the config for the actual UI of MameUI. Launchbox does not care about this file. 

    IM going to test it . But from what your saying. If lb ignores the mameui.ini outside of mameui , mame ui is not going to work with roms outside of the roms folder in the mameui folder I imagine.

  5. 1 minute ago, Retro808 said:

    LB does what you are saying you want it to do. Things changes, emulators get updated. How can you expect the Launchbox dev to know how every update to an emulator affects how things run through the frontend. Some emulators get nightly updates and can quickly make a video tutorial outdated. That's why there are people on a forum to help with those little nuanced issues. Instead of arguing against the tips and steps you are given to make things work how about just try them out. The forum mods and member are willing to help, but it can quickly get to the point they are no longer willing to help if you are not willing to listen.

    You do not have to change anything after it is set up if you set it up right.

    I am not arguing with anyone. I missed the posts about the ini file between all this back and forth and testing. All I have done is report what I have done and my findings there-in.


  6. create /edit tomato tomato . the whole point is to get the whole shebang to be able to all run in lb /bb and be able to run them just via the emulators  outside of lb /bb without having to change ANYTHING after its all set up right. Be a lot easier if ALL the info needed was included into video turtorials. most of the ones I find are out dated or missing steps.

  7. read more carefully please. roms outside of mame22b ( not gui just regular ol new mame) WILL NOT!! run the roms if they are outside of that emulators directory either. Even though both emulators had the directories set up in them to point to my launchbox/roms/mame220, as I mentioned. I tested them both. Your belief they work outside is debunked by 6hours of testing trial and error.


  8. So Neat things. Seems old Mameui64 187  can run the new romset 202 fine. Cannot launch roms through LB though. Thus adding more weight to when it come to Mame emulators and LB the roms Have to be in the Mame emulators rom folder. to test this further I placed all the files needed to run arkanoid in my launchbox/emulators/mame64ui/roms folder and guess what, It worked, even though that directory is not set up in the actual emulator, which is looking in my launchbox/emulators/mame220b/roms folder. This means to me LB does override the emulators directory paths somewhat, but for mame (mame 220b and mame64ui 187 only so far)the games HAVE TO BE IN THE EMULATOR ROM DIRECTORY. At least on my system for some reason.

  9. A bit tedious still but will work great with those pesky mame sets.

    1). As you play tag all the games you don't want as favorites or some other list

    2.) navigate to that list

    2.5) .Right click on a game then hit ctrl + a to select them all

    3). use tools to move those selected files somewhere else .

    4). Navigate to folder  "O' fun" in explorer

    6) Delete folder.

  10. im pretty sure its not merged looks like bios's have their own zips, chds are each in a seperate folder manching parent rom zip file name, noy sure if the roms zips are merged or not as there are quite a fre with the same name but serperate identafires ie bob , boba, bob1, bobc ect.... What are your thoughts? Oh and as Crochety as I am I do thank you very much, From the binary of my code, for all your tips and help.

  11. import mame set does not seem to give your the option of moving or copying the files to launchbox games like rom import does. I was hoping to use it it to sort out all the non working and cocktail and mechanical  games to give me a more refined list but it looks like im going to have to go through all 35000 one by one. Woof. Told mame .220 where all my roms are in mame. Have all my chds in folders mathcing the name of the zipped roms. Nothing NOthing works. Mame64gui.46 worked wayy better than this. I cant believe  I spent 75 f'n buks  and now im getting pissed.!!!

  12. lb does not even see the new cores, im dong this to get bezels over my games. used to do it automatically. now i have to do it one by one for each game in ra and the bezels still not work with some cores for some systems. its almost worse than keeping up to date with mame and set releases.



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