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  1. thank you, really nice work. Is it me or xinput tends to have player 1 bound to keyboard? I'll need a bit more of fiddling because i'm using this on an arcade cabinet and i'll need to adapt controls, but it's a really solid start. Can you pls provide a lua code to set scanlines on by default. I've tried with chatgpt but answers were hilarious XD
  2. yeah, it was it, thank you so much!! I knew it was something like that, lol
  3. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, god, it can totally be it. Gonna check it now, thanks!!!!
  4. DMLIST.TXThere's dmlist, the verbose log
  5. I've a cabinet with different inputs, MAME assigns to synden gun 1 and 2 JOYCODE 1 and 2, and to XINPUT 1 and 2 JOYCODE 3 and 4. I've tried remapping but it doesn't work: as you can se in my MARremapControls.cfg ( placed in ctrlr dir) I've just the 2 xinput devices but as you can see in the verbose logsDMLIST.TXT it tries to apply MARremapControls.cfg but nothing happens. in mame ini it is referenced so i don't really know what i'm doing wrong: it stills list XINPUT 1 as joy3. MARemapControls.cfg mame.ini
  6. Hi there, I'm slowly trying to fix some retroarch input problem. I've noticed that in mame games doesn't work player 2 input, in retroarch it's disabled. If i delete MAME dir in config folder it starts working again, while if there's mame dir , even if i delete mame.cfg and mame.opt it still doesnt work. Can you give me some advice on which could be the file causing the issue? Thx!
  7. I've been testing keyboard2xinput in the last few days since it allows using trackball as opposed to ipac2 xinput mode. So my currently setup is mapping keys as a xinput device + 2 mouse button + 2 macro key ( switch mode for keyboard2xinput and alt+tab). Everything works like a charm but exiting game. In my previous setup using ipac as xinput I set a keybind as a controller automation and it works, while know during game play if i input the key for exit game nothing happens. on bigbox controller combinations works ( eg change music) so I don't know what I'm doing wrong. After a few test it seems in retroarch closing window combination works, while it doesn't in windows game Any suggestion?
  8. I've configured duckstation and sindenlauncher to start when i launch psx point blank with a few bats to kill sinden guns after. When I start this setup from launchbox, everything works like a charm: got bezels, got guns working and so on. When I launch the same setup from bigbox bezels show, but emulation is rendered below bigbox and does not work. Any tips to get it working even in big box, pls?
  9. thank you for the insight. I've got a separate directory with duckstation games and setup all configured to accept 2 sinden lightguns: when lunching the game LB launches 2 instances of lightgun.exe to command both the guns and the ahk to add bezels, nothing fancy I was thinking is something dependant on gui not being always on top, i'm going to check it out
  10. I've set up a duckstation folder for lightguns only games. I've managed to launch it , to get both guns working and stuff. Now i'm trying to add bezel: i'm using bezel pack from sinden wiki, which is based on ahk scripts. When i launch it outside launchbox, it works. When I launch it calling it from launchbox , bezel disappears after a few seconds. Any guess about this behaviour?
  11. Got a few system ( like Nintendo SNES MSU-1) without logo. I've managed to put clear logos png in clear logo directory under platform and even in image/system name/clearlogo folder but what I've got is clear logo appearing only when I enter games list for said platform and not in the wheel in platform selection ( it's just plain text). ClearBG theme, to add context. Any advice, please?
  12. thank, try right now!
  13. update: I've tried to cancel download ( get stuck again ) and when I start again launch box immediately start downloading bezel pack getting stuck again. Can I avoid automatic bezel download and address a problem at time ?
  14. Hi guys, having lots of trouble downloading art. I've got a Emumovie perpetual license + Launchbox full and for some reasons download keeps getting stuck. The same goes for bezel project: i see they are filling a temp directory in metadata folder with 1gb plus temp files but fail to finsh. What is the best process to do this ? Can you tell me where's the final bezel project directory to try to place stuff manually there? thank you.
  15. Hi, i need to change image and video folder for every system placing it on a data hd. It seems there's no direct function, but if you can tell me which xml can i edit i can do it without hassle. Thank you
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